
The indications in the Koranic verses proving the Purgatory

In the Holy Koran there are the verses in which existence of the Purgatory is proved:

1) Since whenever death comes to day one of them, he says, “My Lord, send me back, so I may act honorably I may have left behind.” Indeed not!

It is merely a remark he s making. Beyond them there lies a barrier till the day when they will be raised up again (23:99-100)

The term “barrier” in the verse refers to the Purgatory where the dead will stay in till the Resurrection.

2) why no –when [your soul] leaps to your  throat [at death] and you are then observing , we are even Nearer to it then you are , even though you do not notice it, provided you are not under any obligation , answer back if you are so truthful….! Thus if he is one of those who are drawn close, [the will have] contentment, fragrance, and a garden of bliss, while if he is one of the companions on the Right: “peace be upon you” [will be the greeting] from the companions on the Right. However if he is one the mistaken rejectors a welcome of scolding water plus a roasting in Heads [will await him] (56:83-94)


  • "Resurrection" (By Morteza Motahari)

کلید واژه ها

The Koran The Purgatory Death Soul

مطالب مرتبط

Death, Purgatory and Resurrection according to the Koran The concealed facts in human soul will be manifested on Judgement Day Realization of time in the Purgatory according to the Koran Death agony in the Koran The soul survival proves Resurrection Why Diabolis (Satan) was created? The reality of heedfulness

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