
The truth of Resurrection

Resurrection is the most fundamental religious principles.

All the prophets called on people to believe in monotheism (God) and the Resurrection Day.

Resurrection (Ma'ad) means return:


From it we have created you and will return you to it and from in shall we bring you forth for another chance. (20:55)

The one who has charged you with the Reading will return you to [you] destination. (28:85)

O tranquil soul, return to your lord well pleased and [Him]! (89:27-28)

Believing in Resurrection refers to on innate affair.

In face Resurrection makes us return to our temperament, and the only one who will remain forever is God:


So keep your face set enquiringly towards the [true] religion, Gods natural handiwork along which lies he has patterned mankind.

There is no way to alter Gods creation. (30:30)

I creation you before while you were still nothing! (19: 9) 

Every one upon it will disappear while your lards face will remain full of majesty and splendor. (55:26-27)

Just as we began with the first creation, so we shall do it all over again as a promise binding on us which we have been acting on. (21:104) 

Who holds control toady?  God Alone, the Irresistible holds it! (40: 16)

Yet to your Lord will be the Return! (96:8)

Everything is perishable except his face! (28:88)

Return to your Lord well pleased and pleasing [Him]! Enter among My servants, and Enter My garden. (89:28-30)

God begins with creation, then he performs it all over again, then to Him will you return (30:11)


  • "Resurrection" (By Morteza Motahari)

کلید واژه ها

Creation Resurrection Faith The Koran Human

مطالب مرتبط

The Creation as the mirror of Resurrection Resurrection as a sign of Divine justice The first creation as a reason stating Resurrection Reckoning of human deeds in view of the Koran The soul survival proves Resurrection Falling rain states monotheism and Resurrection The Koranic arguments concerning the proof of Resurrection

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