
Resurrection is denied by disbelievers

Resurrection is one of the principles of religion, according to the Koranic verses it denied by those who do not believe in:

They say: “when we are bones and mortal remains, will be raised up in some fresh creation?” say: “Become stones or iron or any creation that seems important enough to fill your breasts” so they will say: “who will bring us back [to life]?” say: “the one who originated you in the first place.” They will way their heeds at you and say: “when will it be?” say: “perhaps it is near” someday He will call on you, and you will respond in praise of Him. You will assume you have   lingered for only a little while. (17:49-52)

We gather them in on a day there is no doubt about (3:25) our Lord your will be gathering mankind together on a day there is no doubt about. (3:9)

God there is no deity except Him. He will bring you all together on Resurrection Day; there is no doubt about it. (4:87)

He has prescribed mercy for himself so he may gather you in on Resurrection Day concerning which there is no doubt (6:12)

In the last four verses refer to certainty of Resurrection: (there is no doubt about).

Resurrection and reviving after death:

They say: “when we have died and become dust bones, will we be raised up again?  This was promised us and our forefathers long ago. These are only legends [made up] by primitive people!


  • "al-Mizan Koranic Exegesis" (Allameh Tabatabai)
  • The Quran Engliss transalation (T.B. Irving)

کلید واژه ها

Corporeal Resurrection Day of Judgement God Denial of Resurrection Pagan Polytheism

مطالب مرتبط

Divine punishment based on the Koranic verses Division of people into different groups during the transmission of soul to the purgatory Believing in Resurrection as a religious principle Why “Thamud” and “Aad” were punished The real amity and enmity will be manifested on the Day of judgement Restating oneself from passion leads man towards the Heaven Charity leads man towards the Heaven

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