
The Blaze (the name attributed to Hell)

In the Kornic verses some terms are noticed referring to Hell. “The Blaze” (sa'ir) is one of the terms presenting Hell:

1- A group will be in the Garden , while another group will be the Blaze (42:7)

2-Criminals will be lost in error and frenzy (54:47)

3- Satan is  an enemy of yours, so treat him as an enemy , he only calls his party to become  inmates  of the Blaze .(35:6)

4- Those who live off orphans property without having any right to do so will only suck up fire into their bellies , and  they will(eventually) roast in a blaze! (4:10)

5- Their lodging will be Hell. Every time it dies down, we will make it blaze up again for them.(17:97)

6-It has been written down concerning anyone he befriends that he shall mislead him and guide him to the torment of the Blaze.( 22:4)

7-Yet they deny the Hour. We have   prepared a Blaze for anyone who denies the Hour.(25:11)

8-And will roast in the Blaze (84: 12)

9- When Hades is set blazing (81:12)

10-Hell will suffice as a blaze (4:55)


  • al-Mizan Koranic exegesis (Allameh Tabatabi)
  • The Noble Koran (English translation by T.B. Irving)

کلید واژه ها

The Hell Consequences of deeds The Day of Judgement Divine punishment Beliefs in the Koran Paganism

مطالب مرتبط

Hades (the name attributed to Hell) Hell and the punishment in the Koran The Day of Regret The Paradises described in the Koran Living in Paradise for ever The gardens of Eden Description f the Heaven and the people living in

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