
Human free will in the Koran

In many of the koranic verses human free will in mentioned, the following verses are just some those:

1. That day will seem too real! Anyone who wishes to, may adopt his recourse to [reach] the lord. (78:39)

2. We have guided him along the [right] path, whether he is thankful or thankless.(76:3)

3. The ones who say: “our lord is God [Alone]. “Then proceed straight ahead, will find no fear afflict them nor will they ever be saddened. These will become inhabitants of the Garden, remaining there forever as a reward for what they have been doing. (46:13-14)

4. Truth comes from your lord. Let anyone who wishes to believe, and let anyone who wishes to disbelieve. (18:29)

5. That (the torment on the day of judgement) is because of what your hands have sent on ahead. Yet God is no one to harm any worshippers.(8:51)

6.That [has happened] because of what your hands sent on ahead. God is no one to harm [him] worshippers.(3:182)



  • Acquaintance with the Koran (Morteza Motahari)
  • The Quran (English translation by T.B.Irving)

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