
Economic points in the Koran

Economy is one of the subjects remarkably noticed in the Koran. The following verses of the Koran mention some of the economic points:


1. Do not give the feebleminded your property which God has granted you for [their] support, provide for them out of it, and clothe them and address them decently. (4:5)
2. You who believe, do not use up your wealth, idly, [squandering it] on one another. Unless it is for some business based on mutual among you, do not kill one another, God has been Merciful towards you! (4:29)
3. They (people) will ask you (the prophet) about Booty. Say: “Booty belongs to God and the Messenger so heed God and patch up any [differences] that may stand between you. Obey God and His messenger if you are believers. (8:1)
4. know that with anything you may acquire as spoils, a Fifth (Khoms)  of it belongs to God and the Messenger , close relatives and orphans , paupers, and  the wayfarer , if you believe in God and what we have sent down  to our servant on the Day of Distinction , the day when  both farces met. God is capable of everything. (8:41)
5. Charity is [meant] only for the poor, the needy, those working at [collecting and distributing] it, those [possible converts] whose hearts are being reconciled [to your], for freeing captives and debtors, and in [striving along] Gods way, for the wayfarer, as a duty imposed by God. God is Aware wise. (9:60)
6. Those whose wealth comprise on acknowledged responsibility towards the beggar and the destitute. (70:24-25)
7. Render your close relative his due, s well as the pauper and the
 way farer. Yet do not squander [your money] extravagantly: spendthrifts are the devils brethren, and Satan has always been ungrateful towards his Lord. (17:26-27)



  • Economy in Islam (Morteza Motahari)
  • English translation of the Quran (T.B.Irving)

کلید واژه ها

Economy The Koran Islam

مطالب مرتبط

The mission of religion Divine justice in the Koran's view The Koran's commandment on chastity The relation between belief in God and booty Commanding decency and forbidding wickedness The consequences of following passion Handsome loan in the Koran

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