Hades (the name attributed to Hell)

In some of Koranic verses, there are terms attributed to Hell. “Hades” (Jahim) is one of those terms referring to Hell and the severe torment in:


1- Anyone who has acted arrogantly and preferred worldly life will have Hades for a dwelling place. (79:37-39)

2-They said: “Build him a pyre and cast him into Hades!” (37:97)

3- We have sent you with the Truth as a herald and a Warner; you will not be questioned about the inmates of Hades. (2:119)

4- Those who disbelieve, and refute Our signs, will become inmates of Hades (5:10)

5-While who disbelieve and reject Our signs will become inmates of Hades! (5:86)

6- While Hades will appear for the straying. (26:91)

7-and Hades will loom forth for anyone to see. (79:36)

8-Instead of God; lead them along the road towards Hades. (37:23)

منابع :

  1. al-Mizan Koranic exegesis (Allameh Tabatabai)

  2. The Noble Quran (English translation by T.B. Irving)
