Creation of man and the universe
فارسی فارسی 2446 نمایش |In most of the koranic verses creation of the whole universe as well as that of man are greatly mentioned, some of the verses as follows:
1- Have they not considered that God, who created Heaven and Earth, has not been worn out through creating them since [He is] Able to revive even the deed? Indeed He is capable of everything! (46:33)
2- He is the one who stars out with creation, and then He performs it all over again. It is quite simple for Him [to do]. He sets the supreme.
Example, in Heaven and Earth, He is the powerful, the wise! (30:27)
3- To create Heaven and Earth is grater then creating mankind, though most men do not realize it. (40:57)
4-Deviser of Heaven and Earth, whenever He decrees some affair, He merely tells it, “Be”! and, it is .(2:117)
al-Mizan (Allameh Tabatabai)
The Quran English translation (T.B. Irving)
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