
Ahmadiya Gift Treatise

Ahmadiya Gift, is one of the works of Mirza Ahmad Ashtiyani, containing some prayers.

The author
Mirza Ahmad Ashtyani, son of Mirza Hasan Mujtahed Ashtyani. He was an expert scholar at intellectual and transmitted sciences. He studied in the presence of the philosophers “Kermanshahi” and “Ishkewari. Ashtyani taught jurisprudence, methodology (Osul) and intellectual sciences over forty years in Tehran. About 1927 – 1932 ####travelled to Njaf in order to complete the transmitted sciences and he himself was teaching. He taught “Asfar” (written by mullah Sadra) and many prominent scholars of Najaf attended his classes. “Allameh Tabatabaei” studied some parts of the lesson (Asfar) in his presence. Ashtyani died in 1975 and was nearly 100 years old.

Structure of the book:
The following are some of the subjects of this treatise:
- On forgiving the sins
- On extent of daily bread
- On repelling a calamity
- The light (Nur) prayer
- On reading “Ayat al-Korsi” (2/ 255-257) after saying daily prayer
- Inheritor (Wareth) prayer
- On repelling enemies
- On paying debt
- On repelling gifts, etc.


  • Ahmadiya Gift Treatise (Mirza Ahmad Ashtiyani)

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