
Twenty-five Persian treatises

This book is one of the Allame Mohammad-Baqer Majlisi’s works and writings in Persian. It is a corpus of 25 Persian treatises (doctrinal, jurisprudence, tradition, commentary, astronomy, miscellaneous) which are as follows:

1- The treatise of Imam Reza’s monotheistic translation: This treatise is about the introducing of “Essence of the Creator” (zäte Bäri) and monotheism and it cited in most tradition books. This oration which has been become famous to monotheistic oration has been delivered#### after the Imam Reza’s crown prince position. In this noble oration has been explained comprehensively the ways of knowledge and “theology” (theism).

2- The treatise of De’abal Khozai’s ode translation: De’abal is one of the Arab famous poets and the writer of the “Poetical Works”(Divän she’r). He also has been one of the Household’s shias and the eulogizer of Imam Reza (the Imam of Jinn and Man). In this treatise at first talk about the ode’s document (this ode has been related in the Shi’a and Sunnite’s books) then he has delivered a comprehensive explanation about the ode subject. In this treatise at first he delivers one or two couplet and after translation talk about the couplet of poem. It is really one of the most interesting and expressive translations on this noble ode.

3- The researching treatise about the tradition of Not-Counting the Imam Hussein’s pilgrims’ life: This treatise is about the quoted tradition by Imam Bäqer and Sädeq (p.b.u.th.) which they said: “Really God gave some things to the imam Hussein (p.b.u.h.) instead of his martyrdom. One of them is his pilgrim’s days in the time of going and coming of pilgrimage (means do not consider as their life). It considers as his miracles.

4- The treatise of commentary on the Noor verse: This treatise is about a tradition which has been related in the “Osul Käfi” about the noble verse’s commentary. The late Allame Majlesi has translated and explained this tradition.

5- The treatise of commentary on verse: 100, Repentance sura [And (as or) the foremost, the first of the …..]: Sunnite reasoning to this noble verse such as: to their caliphs’ good deed and their Imamate. The Late Majlisi gave seven decisive answers to them and clears the subject against their claim. This treatise has already been printed in the book of “Aligning the pearl beads (Nazm Al-La’äli) famous to questioning and answering by Allame Majlisi”.

6- The treatise of Ruler’s getting along with his citizen: It is one of the best treatises which have been written in this field. It explains the quality of transaction and ruler’s behavior with his citizen and subordinates. This treatise including 2 chapters as follows:
-chapter one: on translation of Malik Ashtar’s treaty which has been related in the Nahj Al-Balaghä
-chapter two: on explaining some traditions which has been related about this subject.

7- The treatise of Sha’ban’s rules: This treatise with using of Innocent Imams’s traditions has been written about the noble month of Sha’ban. In this treatise has been pointed to the related “remembrance” (Azakär) and prayers of this noble month.

8- The treatise of days’ options: This treatise explaining the reliable traditions by Innocent Imams (p.b.u.th.) about happiness and unlikeness of the weeks and month for doing a work or actions. It includes 3 chapters and one conclusion:
-chapter one: in options of months
-chapter two: in options of weeks
-chapter three: explaining some subjects which remove the days and hours’ unluckiness
-conclusion: on translation of the noble tradition quoted from Denial book. It includes the injunctions on eclipse of the sun, fear, events and the year.

9- The treatise of translation of Jowshan kabir’s reward: This treatise is a translation of a tradition which the Late Kafa’mi had related it in the book of “Belad Al-Amin” from Imam Zeyn Al-Äbedin (p.b.u.h.) on the virtue and reward of reciting the supplication of “Jowshan Kabir” (the Great cuirass).

10 The treatise of “prayer’s Disciplines”: It is the best treatise which has been written about the importance of “prayer” (namäz) and its Disciplines. At the beginning of the treatise have been written a brief and very useful series about principles of religion, a subject in the field of Quran miracles’ aspects, then have been discussed about the “partial ablution” (wuzu), “prayer” (namaz) and their injunctions. Meanwhile have been written a commentary explanation from “the Opening” (Al-Fataha), “The Majesty” (qadr) and “the Unity” (Tawhid) suras.

11- The treatise on explaining the prayer’s times: In this treatise has been explained a criterion and a rule for querying of prayer times, and has been explained two ways for knowing the time of noon, afternoon and their “näfale” (supererogatory prayer). One way is step and the other way is watch. This treatise has been written in 1599 A.D. (1007A.H.).

12- The treatise of difference between women and men in injunctions of “purity” (tahärat) and “salat” (prayer): In this treatise have been explained four differences between women and men in injunctions of “wuzu” (partial ablution) and “namaz” (prayer).

13- The treatise of prayer’s doubts: this treatise is one of the treatises which including comprehensively all injunctions of doubt and “forgetfulness” (sahv) in “prayer” (namaz). This treatise includes one preface, 5 chapters and on conclusion.
- Preface includes some terms which knowing them in this treatise is necessary.
-chapter one: on explaining the “action” (disorder) which has been done purposely
-chapter two: on injunctions of forgetfulness
-chapter three: on injunctions of doubt
-chapter four: on explaining the miscellaneous of doubt and forgetfulness’s injunctions
-chapter five: on explaining the injunctions of the prostration’s forgetfulness and some reasons which will become necessary to them
-conclusion: on explaining a solution for multiplicity of doubts and forgetfulness.

14- The treatise of “alms” (zakat), “one fifth” (khums) and “Itekäf” (taking seclusion in a mosque or holy shrine for prayer): This treatise including 3 chapters as follows:
-chapter one: is about “alms” (zakat), it has two subjects:
1- on necessity of “alms” (zakat) and the punishment of its barrier
2- the goods which the “alms” (zakat) will become necessary for them
3- on those who entitled for receiving “alms” (zakat),
-chapter two: on “one Fifth” (khums), it includes 2 subjects:
1- on things which the “khums” (one Fifth) will be obligatory for them
2- on those who entitled for receiving the khums
-chapter three: on explaining the virtue and quality of “Itekaf” (taking seclusion in a mosque or holy shrine for prayer).

15- The treatise of Tahdid Sa’ (kind of unit of measurement): the traditions about Tahdid Sa’ have been related differently. The late Allame Majlesi has gathered that news and explained his view and his father’s view in totaling of news.

16- The treatise of Naseby’s property: It is a treatise in introducing the Naseb, opponent of innocent Imams (p.b.u.h.), explaining the injunction of Nasibi property and in this field quotes many traditions and introduce the Nasibi from the viewpoint of Innocent Imams (p.b.u.th.).

17- The treatise of atonements: In this treatise comprehensively talk about atonements’ injunctions, mentions 18 case of the atonement’s necessity cases and then protest the atonements’ injunctions.

18- The treatise of Moftahtah Al-Shohor: In this treatise is talked about the proving and the first of month in detailed, and has been delivered in some chapters:
1- on explaining the meaning of solar and lunar’s month and year
2- on explaining the counting the leap (year) number
3- on researching of Five-traditions
4-on the tradition which quoted in “Kufi”,
5- researching on other tradition which mentioned in the book of Iqbal Seyyed IBn Tavus
6- on other tradition and also in book of Iqbal mentioned this treatise has been written in the last part of author’s life, in April of 1698A.D. (1109A.H.).

19- The treatise of seeing the new month and clipping the nails: It is a brief treatise on explaining that each month what thing should we see and what sura should we read. About the clipping the nails, what days is good and what days is bad. Also about hair cutting, cutting new dress (means sewing) and putting on the dress, what is the feature of every day?

20- Small treatise on Hajj ritual: It is a brief treatise on explaining the Hajj and Umrah’s obligations, some of both “Mustahabbät” (recommended), in one preface. The preface’s title explains briefly the Hajj and Umrah’s requirements or conditions and both actions:
-chapter one: on Hajj ritual
-chapter two: on Umrah Tammatu actions [Umrah Tammatu refers to umrah that is performed in conjunction with Hajj. More precisely the rituals of the umrah are performed first and then the Hajj rituals are performed].
-chapter three: on injunctions of the Hajj Tammatu
-conclusion: on explaining the taking a pilgrimage to the prophet (p.b.u.h.).

21- The great treatise on Hajj ritual: this treatise is shortened to the rituals and prayers of Hajj’s actions. The author has written this treatise after writing the small treatise of Hajj ritual. This treatise has been finished in 1600 A.D. (1008A.H.).

22- The treatise of “Jewish lightnings” (saväeqe Al-yahud): It is a short treatise on explaining the unbelievers’ injunction, the injunctions of “jizya” (tribute) on “people of the Book” (ahle ketab), explaining the things which it is right the Muslims ruler “determine” (make a condition) for them and also explaining the subjects which they should be forbidden from it.

23- The treatise of injunctions and rules of horseback riding and shooting: It is a short treatise on explaining the injunctions and rules of betting in horseback riding and shooting, also explaining the things that betting is permissible on them and the things that betting is not permissible on them. In this treatise has been explained 10 terms (condition) for betting and jogging of the horse and 7condition for betting of the shooting. In this treatise also has been related the traditions about the virtues of drawing the sword in the way of God.

24- The treatise of reciting the marriage contracts: it is a brief treatise on writing the kinds of reciting the marriage contracts, and kinds of its interpretation, with considering the utmost caution which in all cases is reciprocity. In this treatise at first is explained the aspects of permanent marriage contract’ writing, then is explained the reciting of concubine and in the end is explained some of divorce reciting.

25-the subjects of “Saba Hands” (ayädi sabä): It is juridical “Istiftä’ät” which has been asked from Allame Majlesi and has been compiled by the Late Molla Mohammad Jafar Ibn Mohammad Täher Khoräsäni. This book after writing has been studied by Allame Majlesi and including 286 subjects in 12 chapters. [Istiftä’ät: means consult or asking opinion on a legal question].

The author’s biography:
Alläme Mollä Mohammad Bägher Majlesi was born in Isfehän’s Där Al-Saltaneh, in the beginning of 1629A.D. (1308A.H.). His birth occurred in an educated family and in the time of Mir Dämäd’s “authority” (maja’iyat), the famous “jurist” (faghih) and philosopher. Alläme Majlesi has been the most famous scholar, jurist, famous “traditionist”(mohadeth), Imamism shi’a, Isfahan’s “Sheykh Al-Islam”(a high religious dignitary) and excel of Isfahan’s scholars in the middle of the second half of the eleventh century A.H. and in the first ten years of the twelfth century. Alläme was the third son of Mollä Mohammad Taghi Majlesi who was also one of the glories of shi’a scholars. In the end of Saffavid government, with great perseverance and patience, through compiling and composing of books, teaching Islamic sciences, educating many students and managing the religious affairs of shiisms in his time, succeed to serve so positively to the Iran’s shia and Muslim people that not any clergyman has had such a success. His Persian and Arabic books are as a spinal column of Imamism shi’a beliefs in the past 300 years.

His most valuable works:
1- “Haqq Al-yaqeen”(reality of certainty) on beliefs
2- “Eyn Al-Hayät”(essence of life) on ethics
3- Heliyat Al-Mutaqin on rules of injunctions
4- Hayät Al-Qolub on history of prophets
5- Jalal Al-Oyun on history of Innocent Ones (p.b.u.th.).
Most of his studies, in the field of religious sciences, was in the presence of his father and other his masters are as follows:
-Mollä Muhammad Saleh Mäzandaräni who was his brother-in –law
-Mollä Hassan
-Ali Shushtari
-Mirza Rafi’ Al-din Tabätabäi Näini
-Sheikh Abdollah Ibn sheikh Jäber Ameli
-Mollä Mohsen Feyz Käshäni
-Seyyed Mirzä Jazäyeri, etc.

His students:
1-Seyyed Ne’mat Allah Jazäyeri
2- Mir Mohammad-Saleh Khätun Äbädi
3- Haj Mohammad Ardebili
4- Mir Mohammad-Hossein Khätun Äbädi
5- Mollä Mohammad Majlesi (Alläme’s cousin), etc

Alläme Majlesi had two wives. From the first wife he had one son and two daughters and from the second wife he had one son and one daughter. It has been said that Alläme also had the third wife that from her he had two sons and two daughters. He died in his city (Isfahan) in 1699.Mar.29A.D. (110.Ramadän.27A.H.). He was buried by Jäme mosque, his activity place and near his house, next to his great scholar father (Mollä Mohammad Taghi Majlesi). His tomb is by the Isfahan Jame mosque.


  • Twenty-five Persian treatise by Allame Mohammad-Baqer Majlisi

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