
Misgiving About Impossibility of Miracle of Eloquence in the Koran

The misgiving:
According to intellectual principles, some express misgiving about miracle of eloquence in the Koran: what the miracle of eloquence mean? Speech is made by human himself, how can be a miracle? Because miracle is something which can not be comprehended by human; therefore it is impossible to know the Koran as a miracle from the aspect of eloquence, because it requires us to be unable to comprehend what is made by ourselves.

The logical elements of the misgiving:
1- Muslims believe that the Koran is miracle with regard to eloquence
2- Speech is made by human himself, how can it be a miracle? Because miracle is something which can not be comprehended by human. How can human make a speech which is understood by himself?
3- Therefore the eloquent aspect of the Koran as a miracle is impossible, because it requires us to be unable to comprehend what is made by ourselves.

The answer of the misgiving:
Believing in dissuading on the miraculous aspect of the Koran

Believing in dissuading means dissuading people from presenting a book like the Koran or even one surah (chapter) similar to it:
“A. L. R. [This is] a book whose verses are decisive, and have been set forth in detail in the presence of Someone Wise, informed” [Hud. 1].
It dose not mean that people can not make chapters like the Koran, because the way which verses are composed, are not difficult; but whenever man decides to make a verse similar to the Koran: God with His Divine Determination, dissuades him from doing such a work!
This view is wrong, although it is true that the Koran indicates that the Prophet’s prophecy is the truth and God rules human’s hearts but it does not show that the Koran is revealed from God. The reason why people can not make like the Koran, is that the Holy Koran contains a great exegesis and human is not able to understand it fully. When someone does not comprehend something, can not imitate it.
Because God is the Only One who knows the Koran profoundly. Therefore it does not mean that God dissuades His servants from such an act, but human himself finds it difficult to challenge.

The Koran is miracle from the eloquent aspect; it means that there is no one who can make a speech with nice accurate words without any mistakes. Sometimes there is a person who knows a wide range of useful functional vocabularies but can not make a fluent speech or even he knows the vocabularies well and also speaks well but he does not deliver a good speech.
The Koran is different, It talks to us very well and clearly as well as applying good words. Because it is said by God; if it was not revealed from Almighty God, there would be observed many contradictions.
It is reliant upon a fixed truth:

“Have they not meditated on the reading? If it had come from some other source than God, they would have found a great deal of contradiction in it. [Women / Nesa. 82]
“[Preserved] on a guarded table! [Constellations/ Boruj. 22]
“ Which none but the purified may touch” [The Inevitable/ Vaqeh’e. 79].


  • translation of “Al-Mizan”

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