
The truth proves Resurrection

In the universe everyone believes that the truth is a way of his own thinking or the manner of his act, but the only truth will be just in Resurrection Day:

That day will seem too real! Anyone wishes to may adopt his recourse to[ reach]the Lord.(78:39)

On that day God will repay them wilt their rightful due, they will realize that God means obvious truth.(24:25)

You have been so heedless of this, that we have removed your blinders from you so your sight maybe keep today!(50:22)

They will not anything that happens from God ! (4:42)

On that day you will (all ) be arraigned no secret of yours will remain hidden(69:78)

On a day when secrets will be tested (86:9)

They day when they will (all) emerge. Nothing  concerning them is hidden from God .who holds control today?  God Alone, the Irresistible hole it ! (40:16)


  • al-Mizan (Allameh Tabatabai)
  • The Quran (by T.B. Irving)

کلید واژه ها

God Human Proof of Resurrection Beliefs in the Koran The Day of Judgement

مطالب مرتبط

Divine justice and Resurrection The Paradises described in the Koran Living in Paradise for ever The Day of Regret Restating oneself from passion leads man towards the Heaven Charity leads man towards the Heaven The characteristics of the people of Heaven in the Koran

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