
Believing in God and performing honourable deeds will lead human to the Paradise

In many of the Koranic verses confirm that believing in God and performing honourable acts lead human to the Heaven:  

1- The ones who believe and perform honourable deeds will have gardens though which rivers flow that will be the great Achievement (85:11)
2- Those who believe and perform honourable deeds are the best creatures (97:7)
3-we will show those believe and perform  honourable actions  into gardens through which rivers flow, to live there  forever, they  will have clean –living spouses there,  and we will show them into shady nooks (4:57)
4- Those who believe and perform honourable deeds will be shown into gardens through which rivers flow, you live there with their Lord is permission. Their greeting in it will be: “peace!” (14:23)
5- Their Lord guides those who believe and perform honourable deeds according to their faith: rivers will flow beneath them in gardens of delight (10:9)
6-God has promised believers, whether they are men or women, gardens though of Eden. Yet approval by God is greatest, that will be the supreme Achievement! (9:72)



  • "Al-Mizan" (Allameh Tabatabai)
  • English translation of the Koran (T.B. Irving)

کلید واژه ها

Consequences of deeds Paradise Human Beliefs in the Koran Religious Faith Honourable deeds

مطالب مرتبط

Gardens of Bliss Obeying God and His messenger will lead us to the Heaven The gardens of Eden The Paradises described in the Koran Living in Paradise for ever The ranks of Heaven The characteristics of the meritorious in the Koran

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