
Pride will lead human and Satan towards the Hell

According to the Koranic verses human pride as well as that of Satan guide them to the Hell:


1. As for the ones who disbelieve. “Were not My signs recited to you, and yet you acted proudly and were such criminal folk? (25:31)
2. While those who reject My signs and act too haughty towards them will become inmates of the Fire, they will remain there forever. (7:36)
3. Yet every time some messenger comes to you with what you yourselves do not fancy, why do you at so overbearing? One have rejected while another group you would [like to] kill. (2:87)
4. So we told the angels: “Bow down in your knees before Adam.” They [all] knelt down except for Diabolis. He refused and acted proudly, and became a disbeliever. (2:34)
5. The angels all bowed on their knees together except for Diabolis, he was too proud and a believer besides. He said: “Diabolis, what prevents you from kneeling down before something I have created with My own hands? Have you become too proud, or are you overbearing?
(38: 73-75)
6.He said:” what prevents you from bowing down when I have commanded you to while you created him from clay.” (7:13)



  • Recognition of Resurrection (Allameh Tehrani)
  • English translation of the Quran (by T.B.Irving)

کلید واژه ها

The Paradise Human Satan Pride Free will The Hell

مطالب مرتبط

Why Diabolis (Satan) was created? The two gardens and blessing mentioned in the Koran Paradise's blessing according to the Koran The relation between the earth and Heaven in the Koran On Judgement Day everyone should first pass the Hell The reality of The Hell The eternal aspect of the Heaven and the Hell

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