
Division of people into different groups during the transmission of soul to the purgatory

According to the koranic verses, during the transmission of soul before Resurrection, people will be divided into three different groups:


Thus if he is one of those who are drawn close (56/88)

[He will have] contentment, fragrance, and a grader of bliss (56/89)

While if he is one of the companions on the Right: (56/90)  

“Peace be upon you” [will be the greeting] from the companions on the Right (56/91)

However if he are of the mistaken rejectors (56/92)

A welcome of scalding water (56/93)

Plus a roasting in Hades [will await him] (56/94)

This is the absolute Truth (56/95)

So celebrate your Lords almighty   (56/96)


O Tranquil soul! (89/27)

Return to you Lord well pleased and pleasing [him] (89/28)

Enter among My servants (89/29)

And enter My garden (89/30)

It is inferred from these verses that life will definitely exist in the Purgatory.


  • "Resurrection" (By Morteza Motahari)

کلید واژه ها

Day of Judgement Soul Human God People of the Hell People of Paradise Approaching God The Purgatory

مطالب مرتبط

Koranic verses indicate existence of the Purgatory Human conscience will appear in the Purgatory The concealed facts in human soul will be manifested on Judgement Day The real amity and enmity will be manifested on the Day of judgement Restating oneself from passion leads man towards the Heaven Creation of man and the universe The soul survival proves Resurrection

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