
People of Paradise and the blessings

In the Koranic sura “Dokhan “(Smoke) God mentions Paradise and its blessings:

 Among gardens and springs they will wear stain and brocade as they sit facing one another, just like and we will wed them to dark-eyed damsels. They will call confidently for every kind of fruit in it

They will not taste death there for except for the very first death [they had]. He will shield them from the torment of Hades as a boon from your Lord that will be the supreme Achievement! (44:52-57)



  • "Acquaintance with the Koran" (By Morteza Motahari)

کلید واژه ها

Paradise People of Paradise God The Koran

مطالب مرتبط

The Names of the Heaven mentioned in the Koran Believers will inherit Paradise Restating oneself from passion leads man towards the Heaven Peace in the Heaven Happiness and rejoicing in the Heaven Intercession on Resurrection Day The Right and the Left in the Koran

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