
Peace in the Heaven

As it is mentioned in the Islamic traditions and Koranic verses in the Paradise there will be always peace and divine greeting from God and the angels for the inhabitants of the paradise the following verses of the Koran confirm peace in the Heaven:

1- “Peace! “will be a greeting from a Merciful Lord. ( 36:58)  

2- “Peace! Be upon you because you have acted so patiently!” How blissful will the compensation of the Home be!(13:24)

3- They (men on the Heights in Paradise) will out to the in habitants of the Garden: “peace   be upon you”! they have not yet entered  it even  though they long to.(7:46)

4- Whom the angels carry off while they are good persons, saying: “peace be upon  you! Enter the Garden because of what you have been doing.” (16:32)

5- the ones who have heeded their Lord  will  be drive along to the Garden in throngs until   just as they come up to its gates will swing open and its keepers  will tell them: “ peace be upen you! You have been good, so enter it to remain there. (39:73)


  • al-Mizan Koranic exegesis (Allameh Tabatabai)
  • The Noble Koran (English translation by T. B. Irving)

کلید واژه ها

The Heaven Peace The Koran Divine blessing God People of Paradise

مطالب مرتبط

Happiness and rejoicing in the Heaven The two gardens and blessing mentioned in the Koran People of Paradise and the blessings The Names of the Heaven mentioned in the Koran The Day when the trumpet will be blown and Resurrection will happen The Creation as the mirror of Resurrection The Koranic arguments concerning the proof of Resurrection

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