
The quaking on the Day of Judgement

At the time of Resurrection there will be a great quaking thought the universe, not only the earth but the whole of the world will quake.

The following verses of the Noble Koran confirm this quaking:


The earth will be rocked with a jot and the mountains crumble to prices and become dust that is scattered about (56:4-6)

O mankind m heeds your Lord! The quaking at the Hour will be a serious matter. On the day when you see it, every nursing mother will neglect whatever she is nursing and every pregnant female will miscarry.

You will see men drunk while have not been drinking.

However God's torment is severe!  (22:1-2)


  • "Acquaintance with the Koran" (Morteza Motahari)

کلید واژه ها

The Day of Judgement The Universe The Koran Beliefs

مطالب مرتبط

The reality of The Hell The true effect of deeds Intercession on Resurrection Day The intercessors in this world Specific deadline, as the eternal life of all creatures controlled by God Different names of Resurrection in The Koran Astronomy in the Koran

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