
Different names of Resurrection in The Koran

Resurrection is mentioned in the Koran as the great event thought the universe happening when the sky bursts apart, and planets are strewn and the seas spill forth and graves are overturned!

Everything will be destroyed and a new life starts which will last forever.

Resurrection is noticed in the Koran by different names describing the specific features:


1- On a day when secrets will be tested (86:17)

2-An important announcement (78:2)

3-The day that will last forever (50:34)

4-The Day of Gathering (64:9)

5- The Day of Regret (19:39)


  • "The eternal life" (By Morteza Motahari)

کلید واژه ها

The eternity The Koran Resurrection The Universe

مطالب مرتبط

Specific deadline, as the eternal life of all creatures controlled by God The quaking on the Day of Judgement Destiny of sinners in the view of the Koran The Day when the trumpet will be blown and Resurrection will happen The truth of Resurrection The Creation as the mirror of Resurrection The Koran tells about the time of Resurrection

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