
Role of the angels in the universe

According to the Noble Koran, believing in God, His messengers and the Divine Books is along with believing in the angels:
The Messenger believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, has [so do] believers, everyone believers in God and his angels, his book and his messengers. (2:285)

The following Koranic verses indicate the characteristics of the angels:


1. Rather they are honoured servants. (21:26)
2. They do not try to speak ahead of him, while they act at his command
3. While angels [will stand] along its edges. Eight [in all] will bear (21-27) your Lords throne them on that day. (69: 17)
4. Regulate some matter! (79:5)
5. Yet over you (all) there stand some noble guardians, writing it all down, they know anything you do. (82:10-13)
6. He sends guardians (angels) [to watch] over you. (6: 61)
7. You who believe, remember God's favour upon you, when the armies charged at you! We sent a wind and even armies (angels) you did not see against them (33:9)
8. He sends down angels the Breath of his command on any of His servants he may wish: “warn [mankind] that there is no deity except Me, so heed Me! (16:2)
9. The angels hymn their Lords praise and seek forgiveness for whoever is on earth.(42:5)
10. We sent her (Mary) our spirit, who presented himself to her as a
full-grown human being (19:17)
11. There is none of us but he has an acknowledged status. We are drawn up in ranks. We are those who glorify [god].(37:164-166)



  • Divine justice (Morteza Motahari)
  • The Noble Koran (English translation by T.B.Irving)

کلید واژه ها

Creation God The angels The Koran Divine will Worship

مطالب مرتبط

The Creation as the mirror of Resurrection Falling rain states monotheism and Resurrection Astronomy in the Koran The angels' intercession on the Day of Judgement Water in the koranic verses The methods for human guidance in the Koran The principle of equality and truth in the Islamic worldview

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