
The angels' intercession on the Day of Judgement

In some of the Koranic verses the angels' intercession is considered:


1. How may angels are there in Heaven whose intercession does not help in any way except after God permits it, for whomever the wishes and approves of? (53:26)
2. On that day intercession will benefit someone whom the mercy- giving has permitted to enjoy it, and whose statement has pleased Him. He knows what lies in front of them and what is behind them, while they do not embrace any knowledge about him.( 20: 109-110)
3. They say: “the Mercy-giving has adopted a son.”  Glory be to Him! Rather they are honoured servants. They do not try to speak ahead of him, while they act at his command .he knows what lies in front of them and what is behind them, while they do not intercede except for someone who has been approved. They are apprehensive and hare in awe of them. (21: 26-28)
4. The ones whom they appeal to instead of him control no intercession except for some one testifies concerning the Truth, and realize it. (43:86)



  • Recognition of Resurrection (Allameh Tehrani)
  • The Noble Koran (English translation by T.B.Irving)

کلید واژه ها

The Intercession The Day of Judgement The Koran The angels God Deeds

مطالب مرتبط

Intercession on Resurrection Day The intercessors in this world Role of the angels in the universe Reckoning of human deeds in view of the Koran Restating oneself from passion leads man towards the Heaven Charity leads man towards the Heaven Falling rain states monotheism and Resurrection

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