Sir Vahid Behbahani

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Mohammad Baqer Behbahani (Vahid Behbahani), one of the greatest Shi'a scholars in his own time. He was born in 1706 in Isfahan –Iran. He was known as "Agha" (Sir). He lived in Behbahan –Isfahan for a short time and then emigrated to Karbala –Iraq. Although he had a difficult life in Karbala, preferred to stay in this holy city. Behbahani was expert at all sciences, he trained many great and famous students who then became prominent scholars. Most of Arabic and non –Arabic scholars of Iraq were directly Behbahani's students or students of his students. One of his most important activities was fighting against "Akhbarioun" (a group of Shi'a who follow traditions and narrations and do not believe in principles of jurisprudence). Cities of Iraq especially Karbala and Najaf were the base of "Akhbarioun" and "Sheikh Yousof Bahrani" was head of them. Behbahani defeated them and methodologists (Osuli'een) had power, therefore Behbahani is the propagandist of religion (Shi'a). He died in 1790.

He has about 60 works, the following are some of them:
- Explanation of "keys" (Mafatih)
- Treatise on "Ijtehad" (exegesis of divine law)
- Treatise on transactions
- Persian treatise on prayer and fast
- Treatise on usury
- Treatise on principles of religion, etc.

Some of his students:
- Seyyed Mahdi Bahrul olum
- Mullah Mahdi Naraqi
- Ibrahim Kalbasi
- Abulqasem Qomi (expert at jurisprudence)
- Mirza Mahdi Shahrestani (expert at exegesis), etc.


great Islamic encyclopedia vol.7


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