Mullah Muhammad Tonekaboni

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Mullah Muhammad Tonekaboni, an Iranian jurisconsult, theologian, philosopher and traditionist in the 17th century. He was born in 1630, into a religious family. Tonekaboni learnt the primary Islamic sciences in the schools of Tonekabon –Iran. Then went to Isfahan and studie under great scholars: "Allameh Baqer Majlesi", "Muhammad Ali Astar Abaadi", "Muhaqeq Sabzewari" and "sheikh Ali Mashhadi" (known as sheikh Ali Saghir). He was also allowed to quote (Hadiths of Imams) from the mentioned scholars. Also the following scholars were #### allowed to quote from him: Muhammad Shafi' Lahijani, Mir Muhammad Hossein Hosseini, Muhammad Sadeq and Muhammad Reza tonekaboni (Tonekaboni's sons). Tonekaboni was a diligent author; he wrote nearly 30 books on different subjects of Islamic sciences.

His masters:
1) Muhammas Baqer Muhaqeq Sabzewari (jrisprudence master)
2) Rajab Ali Tabrizi (philosophy master)
3) Allameh Muhammad Baqer Majlesi
4) Muhammad Taqi Majlesi
5) Hossein Khorasani

Some of the works:
1- On proving existence of God and monotheism and proving existence of the Prophet (in Arabic)
2- A treatise on the principles of religion and beliefs
3- Seeing the new moon before disappearing
4- Some Arabic and Persian treatises on proving necessity of "Friday prayer" [a prayer which is said on Fridays bby Muslims].
5- Gloss on th book "Storing for resurrection" (written by Muhaqeq Sabzewari)
6- Gloss on the book "Verses of commandments" (written by Mughadas Ardebili)
7- Gloss on the book "Signs of methodology" (Ma'alemul Osul, writtn by Allameh Helli)
8- The lifeboat (in Arabic, on Imamate and theology)
9-Light of hearts (in Persian, on Imamate and proving the true religion among Islamic sects).

Mullah Muhammad Tonekaboni died in 1711 in Isfahan.


Islamic world encyclopedia -vol.8

Ayan al –Shia


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