Ibn Asaker

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Abul Qasem Ali Ibn Hasan, known as Ibn Asaker (1105 – 1176), great Shafi’I (one of the four Sunni sects) jurisconsult, traditionist and historian of Damascus. He was known as one of the greatest traditionists and historians in his own time. He travelled to many cities in the eastern Islamic world, setteled in his own native town and was befriended by Zangid Nur al-Din Muhammad, who occupied Damascus in 1154. Ibn Asaker atarted atudying at the age of 6 in Damascus, first he studied jurisprudence and Hadith in the presence of his father, #### elder brother and his maternal family. After his father’s death went to Baghdad and continued Hadith, jurisprudence and syntax.
Som of his masters in Damascus:
Abu Taher Hanaei
Abul Barakat Ibn Abd Harethi
Sabi’ Ibn Qirat

His masters in Baghdad:
Abul Qasem Ibn Hasin
Abul Hasan Dinawari
Hebat Allah Shoruti

He travelled to many countries to complete his studies and then in 1138 started teaching and writing books. He had many students who were all greatconsults and traditionists. All the kings had a high respect for him. He became the manager of “Nurieh Hadith” (the first specialized center of Hadith) by Zangid Nur al-Din Muhammad.

Over 134 works are attributed to him, which most of them are on Hadith and history, the following are some of them:
1- History of Damascus (abiographical dictionary in 80 volumes, on biography of the scholars and traditionists of Damascus. It is his most important work and some of its manuscripts are kept in great libraries such as: Cairo, Damascus,etc.)
2- Arba’oun (fourty Hadiths from fourty traditionists)
3- Virtues of youth
4- Virtues of traditionists
5- Honouring Friday


Islamic encyclopedia

Wafayat al-Ayan

Dehkhoda dictionary

Farsi encyclopedia


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