Ibn Abi al-Hadid

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Fakhr al-Din Abu Hamed Abdul Hamid, known as “Ibn Abi al-Hadid”, celebrated theologian, jurisconsult, historian, poet and man of letters of Mu’tazila (name of a religious movement founded at Basra by Wasil Ibn Ata, subsequently becoming one of the most important theological schools of Islam), in the 13th century, was born in 1190, Ctesiphon. Since his youth, travelled to Baghdad and studied in the presence of great scholars. He lived in the time of Abbasides and was one of the writers of the court, had also relationship with: #### Muahmmad Qomi, known as “Ibn Alqami” (the Minister of Abbasid caliph , Mu’tasem). Abi al-Hadid was versed at poetry but his mystical poems are more famous. It seems he was a Sunni but respected the first Imam of Shias Imam Ali (p.b.u.h). In 1245, he was taken captive by Mongol in Baghdad.

1- The round sky
2- The seven elegiac couplet (it was written by Ibn Alqami, the poems are about eulogy of the Prophet and Imam Ali “p.b.u.h”.
3- Explanation of “Mushkelat al-Qurar” (The great problems, written by Abul Hasan Basri), etc.

His best-known work is “The explanation of peak of eloquence” (The aphorisms and sermons of Imam Ali) and it was registered in the name of the Abbasid caliph “Ibn Alqam”. Ibn Abi al-Hadid died in 1258 in Baghdad – Iraq.


Islamic encyclopedia

The preface of The explanation of peak of eloquence


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