The Unity Ambassador in Turkey and Iran

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This book which is written by “Jafar Sobhani” is about his two short trips to Turkey and Jordan.

Ayatollah Sobhani’s biography
He was born in 1930 in Tabriz – Iran, into a religious and educated family. He studied in Tabriz Seminary called “Talebiyeh”. The following were his master:
- Ayatollah Khomeini
- Sheikh Hasan Nahvi
- Mirza Muhammad Ali Modarres Khiyabani####
- Allameh Tabatabaee

Ayatollah Sobhani is one of the masters in Islamic Dar al-Tabliq in Qom, also the founder of Islamic Kalam (Theological) Studies Center (Imam Sadeq Institution) and a significant master in Qom Seminary.

- Theological books
- Eternal Brightness
- Wahabism

Structure of the book
The book consists of two section:
1- International symposium of Shia in history:
1- Visiting cultural centers
2- Hadiths among Shias
3- Islamic unity
4- In Abdul Hamid’s palace
5- The validity of the Imams’ Hadiths

2) A report on traveling to Jordan:
1- meeting with the Jordan
2- visiting Aal al-Bayt University
3- common beliefs of Shias and Sunnis
4- the question and answers
5- meeting with the Jordani figures, etc.

The book was published in 2001 in Imam Sadeq Institution in Qom.


The Unity Ambassador in Turkey and Iran by Jafar Sobhani


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