Tabaresi’s argumentation or Al-Ehtejäj Alä Ahle Al-lejäj
فارسی English 2025 Views |It is a “theological” (kalämi) book, from the first half of six century A.H. in Arabic. It is one of the shi’a valid books that is famous to Ehtejäj Tabaresi and includes the multitude of benefits. Its author (by the name of) Abu Mansur Sheikh Ahmad Ibn Ali Ibn Abi Täleb Tebaresi is one of the authentic “traditionists” (mohaddesin) and great scholars of the first half of sixth century. This book is about the Islam prophet (p.b.u.h.), shi’a Imams’ argumentations and debates, reasoning of some Imams’ Companions against opponents, different individuals, non-####Islamic religions followers toward Islam religion’s principles and “branches” (forro’) and religion of Twerler shi’ism. Also in the last part has been printed some corresponding of “Imam of the Time” (Imam of Zamän) p.b.u.h. in the time of “minor occultation”(gheybat soghrä) to the Imam’s “Representatives”(navväb) and also mentioning some of letters by the Imam to some of scholars. Another name of “Ehtejäj” is “Al-Ehtejäj Alä Ahle Al-Lejäj” that apparently is the name that named by others and has not stated in author’s foreword.
The author’s motive for writing:
The author has stated that his motive for writing of this book was that to collect the “traditions” (Hadiths) that in them, has been cited the argumentations of religion leaders till by this way to prove that forbidding from “agrgumentation” (ehtejäj) for proving the “truth”(hagh) and rejecting the “Untruth”(bätel) is only for the people who could not defend of religion and beliefs, not for the prominent and capable people. In the preface of the book he says: what made me to compile this book was that: I saw some of Imamism shi’as extremely have avoided of argumentation and did not debate or dispute, even though it be the right and says this duty is not allowable on us. Therefore I decide to compile a book that including shi’a, great men and shi’a Imams’ reasonings and argumentation, mentioning the verses and traditions that order the Muslims to the argumentations and “good argumentation”[the argumentation without any conflict] till to prove that forbidding about this case is only limited to the “ordinary people” (weak, not capable and ignorant people) who fail to doing it well, not for the prominent and wise people who can prove the right well and have caused their sublimity.
The author’s brief biography:
Sheikh Ahmad Ibn Ali Ibn Abi Täleb Tabaresi, his patronymic “Abu Mansur” is the scholar, “jurisconsult”(faghih), “theologian”(motekallem), great “traditionist”(mohadeth) and shi’a authentic in the first half of 6 century A.H. His birth and death date is unknown, only by evidences, by Allame Seyyed Mohammad Bahr Al-oloom’s word, by comparing birth and death of his contemporaries and students, consider him one of the man who lived in sixth A.H.. His nationality is Iranian and some consider him inhabitants of Tabaristan and some other considers him inhabitants of Tabaris, the same Tafresh. He has been trusted by great men such as: Shahid Awwal, Shaikh HorrAmoli, Seyyed Mohammad Bahr Al-Oloom and Khänsäri the author of “Rozat Al-Janät” who commended him to the attributes such as: knowledgeable scholar, “jurisconsult”(feghih), “traditionist”(mohaddes) and have said he is one of the great friends of predecessors. One of his famous students is Ibn Shar Äshub the great scholar of sixth century A.H. He is contemporary with Abul Fotuh Razzi and Fazl Ibn Hassan Tabaresi, the author of Majma’ Al-Bayän commentary.
The book’s structure and division:
-Preface that includes: the news about forbidding from the dispute, debate and blaming it, the motive of compiling this book.
- The Ma’sor argumentations and reasonings by the prophet Mohammad, Imam Ali and other Innocent Imams( [Masor means: the traditions or news that quoted by Fourteen Innocent Ones]. About principles and “branches” (forro’) of Islam religion, shi’a religion of Ja’fari “rightful”(haghghe) with different and opponent individuals
- Mentioning the event of “Pond of Khumm” (Ghadir Khummm), the adventure of Fadak, the argumentation of Imam Ali, Fatimah Zahra ( and other Companions (and the prophet’s “sermon”[khotbe] in “Ghadir”[pond]).
-The argumentations of Imam (p.b.u.h) with Muawiyah, people of Syria, Kharijites and violators of the covenant with him
-In the last part, the argumentations of “the Lord of the Time”(the twelfth Imam) (p.b.u.h.), his correspondences in the time of “minor occultation”(gheybat soghrä) with “Four Representatives”(navväb arba’e), the Imams letters in the time of “major occultation”(gheybat kobra).
“Argumentation”(Ehtejäj) book from the viewpoint of authorities:
Mamghäni in Tanghih Al-Maghäl by sheikh Horr Ämeli’s word said: the book of Tabaresi’s Argumentation is a good book that has been compiled in the field of debates with the opponents and has a lot of benefits. Alläme Seyyed Mohammd Bahr Al-Oloom has useful discussion in his preface about Ehtejaj and its importance.
1- Those who have attributed the compiling of this book to the “Fazl Ibn Hassan Tabaresi, the author of Majma’ Al-Bayän, have made mistaken. This mistake is due to the common family name of Tabaresi.
2- Most of the traditions (Hadiths) and news of the book are in the form of “Loose tradition” (Morsel) - (without complete series of documents). It is because of these “traditions”(Hadiths) either are in agreement with “judgment of intellect”(hokme aghl), or are “widely transmitted” (moteväter), or there is a “consensus”(ejmä) about them and or in different biographies, the books against shi’a and agreeing with shi’a are famous. But, because the subject that has been cited by Imam Hasan Askari (p.b.u.h.) is not enough well-known to the other traditions, therefore, has been stated with one document (such as: aforesaid news in Imam Hassan Askari’s commentary).
Printing and publishing:
This work has been often printed exquisitely with margins and footnotes in Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon. In the time of Shah Tahmäsp Safavid has been translated into the Persian by Ali Ibn Hossein Zaväri Isfahani, one of the Shi’a scholars in the first half of tenth century A.H. and was printed by the name of “Kashf Al-Ehtejäj”. (Persian encyclopedia). Another detailed translated by the effort of “Päkat-chi” has been printed and published in Tehran by Nezäm Al-din Ahamd Ghafäri Mäzandaräni, one of the scholars in tenth century A.H. The last printing of the book, has been done by the effort of Ibrahim Bahädori and Mohammd Hadi under the supervison of Ja’far Sobhäni in 1903 A.D.(1413A.H.).
1- Ehtejäj (Ibrahim Bahädori, etc).
2- Shiism encyclopedia
3- Reyhänat Al-Adab
4- Islamic Iranian old works
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