The manner of annihilation in Saints: the explanation of the pilgrimage-prayer of Jäme’a Kabirah

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This book is one of the Ayatollah Abdullah Javadi Amoli’s works and writings. The pilgrimage-prayer of Jäme’a Kabira is one of the best pilgrimages that with its profound paragraphs pays attention to the highest existence of the Innocent Imams ( , provide the field of superior knowledge and the more perfect “Mysticism”(Gonsticism). It also teaches to the pilgrim the attendance manner in the space and presence of the Innocent saints. In this pilgrimage has been hidden abundant, profound and extensive information that needs description and#### explanation till both to be clarified the position of those sacred persons and to be known their influence and efficiency rate in the world. This book is an effort to the direction of this goal that by the name of “The Manner of annihilation in Saints: the explanation of the pilgrimage-prayer of Jäme’a Kabirah” had been compiled by javadi Amoli’s works, speeches and writings. It has been accompanied with his proficiency in foundations of philosophical, Gnostic, commentary and also with his loving to those Holy gems of existence [means Innocent Imams (] that holding the special perfection and beauty. It certainly is helpful and effective in the direction of knowledge and favor to those divine persons. [Saints means: those who approach to God as much as possible].

The biography of Ayatollah Abdullah Javadi Amoli
Ayatollah Abdollah Javadi Amoli was born in Amol Township in 1933A.D. (1312). His father and ancestor were islam preachers and held the Household in high esteem. Ayatollah Javadi Amoli after finishing the elementary school, entered Amol’s theological school in 1946A.D. (1325) and until 1950 A.D. (1329) had studied there. After that, he went to Mashhad’s theological school but because its seminarians (theological students) did not show any reverence for Mashhad’s great scholars, he left there and entered Tehran’s theological school. After entering to Marvi’s school, studied “Rasa-el” and “Makaseb”, then learned “kefayatol usul”, “rational and transmitted sciences” (ulume aghli and naghli) and after 5 years he left for Qom’s theological school and has been there up to now. One of his cultural services is “the establishment of “Esra” publishers and research Institution in 1993A.D. (1372). He was present in constituent assembly(majlese khobregan) of constitutional law and in the first and second period of constituent assembly of leadership. He also has been one of the teachers community members of Qom’s theological school and now he is in charge of prayer leader on Fridays of sacred township of "Qom".

His masters and friends: Ayatollah Azizollah Tabaresi, Mirza Mahdi Mohi Aldin Elahi Ghomshei, Ayatollah Burujerdi, Imam Khomeni and Allameh Seyyed Mohammad Hossein Tabatabai, etc. He has many works such as: Tasnim, The commentary of Noble Quran, thematic commentary of Noble Quran, Rahighe Makhtom, Asrar Al-Salat, Sahbaye Hajj, Vilayat-e faqih, etc.

The book structure:
This compilation includes 5 volumes and each volume includes the subjects as follows:
1- The first volume: this volume includes the following subjects:
-the easiest way of reverence (peace be on you), salutation in the age of ignorance, etc.
-the purpose of sentence “the family of the prophet”.
-the meaning of “the seat of the Divine Mission”.
-the hosts of Angels
-the prophets’ privilege on others, the forms of revelation, etc
-the origin source of Mercy
-the treasures of knowledge
-accompanying of science and forbearance
-the grantor or owners of generosity
-the divine leaders of all nations
-the benefactors of the universe
- Imams, the root of good persons
-the need of society, Government the main condition of politician, etc.
- the pillars of land’s peace
-the meaning of faith doors about Imams
-the imams of Divine trustees
-the summary of virtues of the perfect Man
-the shortest respond to the goodness
-the Imams of light and darkness
-the leaders of light
-the signs of piety

2- The second volume: this volume including the following subjects:
-the owners of perfect intellect
-the best shelter
-the inheritors of the virtues
-the superior specimens
-the most excellent calling
-the Divine proofs
-the knowledge of God
-the meaning of blessing
-division of wisdom into the theoretical and practical
-knowing the invisibles or occults
-the meaning of Book word in the Noble of Quran
-the real receivers of the Divine book (meaning they are familiar with the realities of Divine book).
-the continuity of prophecy path- limits an authorities of prophet’s revelation
-the children of the “prophet message”(resälat).
-the best salutation
-the inviters unto the God
-the guiders unto the God’s satisfaction
-the pure servants
-the root of love
-the position of “Tawhid”(Oneness of God).
-the revealers of the Divine commands
-superior than the Angels

3- The third volume: this volume including the following subjects:
-the righteous leaders
-the kinds of guardianship
-the protecting defenders
-reference to the “people of invocation” (ahle zekr).
-the religious rulers
-and instance of “authorities”(olol amr) in traditions
-the signs of God in the earth
-the God’s chosen(those who were chosen by God).
-the features of God’s party
-the store of Divine “knowledge” (sciences).
-the Divine proofs
-Imam, the “high path”(highway) of happiness
-the lights of guidance
-the manifestations of proof
-the true testify to the God’s Oneness
-the permanent religion - the meaning of religion’s overcoming
-the result of testifying to the perfections
-the main goal of Divine religion
-the Divine guided (means who were guided divinely).
-the range of infallibility meaning
-Human, the “Noble” (generous) existent
-kinds of “nearness”(ghorb).
-the blessings of “piety”(taghvä).
-truthfulness, the basis of universe
-harmony with “original nature”(fetrat).
-persisting in establishing the “truth” and justice
-the doers of God’s “Will”(eräde)- [means those who doing the God’s will].
-the salvation in the ray of servitude
-wisely selection
-knowing the “Unseen”(gheyb).
-the universe’s “trustworthies”(räzdärän).

4- The fourth volume: in this volume have been explained the following subjects:
-the Divine” chosen”(those who were chosen divinely – Bargozidegän).
-the glorified guidance
-Divine confirmation, special blessing
-Divine “successors”(representatives).
-proof of God on creature
-the friends of true religion
-the degrees of secret
-the treasure of Divine-sciences
-the trustees of “wisdom”(philosophy).
-the interpreters of revelation
-the bases of monotheism
-the testimony of deed in resurrection
-the falgs of servitude way

5- The fifth volume: this volume includes the following subjects:
-on height of infallibility
-those who hold in high esteem the “Divine Majesty”(jaläl elähi).
-afresh creation of “Divine rank”(sha’ne elähi)- glorification of God and glorification of His rank
- praise of the Divine generosity
-the “attendants”(moläzemän) of God’s remembrance [means always and all the time they remember the God].
-those who loyal to Divine covenant
-the humble obedients
-permanent advisers
-the means of calling
-sacrifice for gaining the God’s satisfaction
-pioneers of patience.

Each one of the disused titles in magazines, has been stated in the detailed list of the book in Arabic and each one have been explained by the author in the text of book. In the end of book (each volume) has been related the list of verses, traditions, poems, proper nouns, books and references.


The manner of annihilation in Saints: the explanation of the pilgrimage-prayer of Jäme’a Kabirah by Javadi Amoli


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