The History of Philosophers
English 1620 Views |The History of Philosophers, is a historical book in Arabic, on the biographies and works of Greek and Muslim philosophers, astronomers and physicians.
The author
Jamal al-Din Abul Hasan Ali Qefti (1248 – 1164) was an Egyptian historian and one of the Ayyubid (name of a dynasty in Egypt) rulers in Aleppo. Great scholars, such as, Yaqut Rumi were supported by him. This book is his most famous work.####
Structure of the book
The book was written in three chapters which includes the biographies of 415 persons:
1- the first chapter which has been arranged in alphabetic order, includes the biographies of 354 persons
2- the second chapter based on the figures’ nick names, including the biographies of 46 persons
3- the third chapter based on the figures’ nick names, including the biographies of 15 persons
some of the biographies were written in detail and some others in brief. The Greek philosophers were divided into three sects:
1- Atheists, who deny God
2- Naturalists, who believe in God, but deny the resurrection and Judgment Day
3- Divine philosophers of Greece, such as: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle
The book was published in 1903 and 1908.
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