Leadership in the view of Islam
فارسی English 1860 Views |This book is one of the works of Ayatollah Sobhani, including subjects on caliphate and Imamate, Islamic government after the death of the prophet.
The author
Ayatollah Jafar sobhani Tabrizi ,contemporary Iranian scholar. Born in 1930, in Tabriz into a religious family. He studied in Persian literature, the books “ Nasaab al- sebyan” , Abwab al- Jenan “ (the doors of paradise) , “ Mo jam History” in the presence of “ Mirza Mahmud Fazel”. Then he continued his studies in “ Tableiyeh school” in Tabriz he was trained into presence of great scholars : Ayatollah Ruhallah khomenini, sheikh Hasan Nahwi and Mirza Muhammad Ali Modems khiyabani Ayatollah sobhani is the founder of “ the center of Islamic theological studies” and also one of the great teachers in “ Qom seminary.
His works
1- Theological books and Mujam al- Mutakallemin
2- Mosoueh
3- The eternal light
4- wahhabism. etc.
The book structure
The book is composed in the following chapters:
1- Imamate and caliphate
2-shia and Sunni
3-Imam as the guard of Islamic principles and secondary articles of faith
4-Islamic domestic and foreign policy
5- The base of social and political development of Muslims
6- The base of Muslims knowledge about Islamic principles and secondary articles of faith
7- Leadership in view of the prophet and his companions
8- Spiritual evolution by Innocent Imam
9- How was the method of leadership in the early governments?
10- Is it possible to establish a divine rule without an innocent Imam?
11- Is it determined in the Koran and prophetic Hadiths the leader (of Islamic society) after the prophet?
12-The prophet appoints the leader
13- Thaqalayn Hadiths
14- Hadiths of Noah the (the prophet) ship
15- Qadir Hadiths (in which by a divine order Imam Ali was appointed as the Imam, by the prophet (after the death of the prophet)
16- The principles of Qadir Hadiths
17- The twelve caliphs in Islamic traditions
18-were the three caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar and Othman) appointed by people?
19-On saqifeh (the name of place where people after the death of the prophet gathered together in order to choose caliph after the prophet: while the caliph (Imam Ali) had been before appointed by the prophet in Qadir
20- After Saqifeh (in Saqifeh Abu Bakr was appointed as the caliph and all people pledged allegiance to him
The book was published in 1995 in Qom –Iran.
Leadership in the view of Islam
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