Leadership of the nation of Islam
فارسی English 1672 Views |The book Leadership of the nation of Islam (ummah) is composed by Ayatollah Sobhani.
The author
Ayatollah Jafar sobhani Tabrizi ,contemporary Iranian scholar. Born in 1930, in Tabriz into a religious family. He studied in Persian literature, the books “ Nasaab al- sebyan” , Abwab al- Jenan “ (the doors of paradise) , “ Mo jam History” in the presence of “ Mirza Mahmud Fazel”. Then he continued his studies in “ Tableiyeh school” in Tabriz he was trained into presence of great scholars : Ayatollah Ruhallah khomenini, sheikh Hasan Nahwi and Mirza Muhammad Ali Modems khiyabani Ayatollah sobhani is the founder of “ the center of Islamic theological studies” and also one of the great teachers in “ Qom seminary.
His works
1- Theological books and Mujam al- Mutakallemin
2- Mosoueh
3- The eternal light
4- wahhabism. etc.
The book structure
The book includes the chapters as follows:
1. How to know Imam
2. The views of the both Shiite and Sunni scholars on Imamate
3. According to the prophet, Imamate is a divine rank
4. The triple enemies of Islam
5. Human spiritual evolution be performed by an Innocent Imam
6. Appointment of Imam by God is not
7. How to distinguish True from falsehood according to Imam Ali
8. Strong eternal connection between the Prophets ‘family and the Holy Koran
9. Superiorities of Divine leaders
10. The reasons proving innocence of Prophets
The book was published in 1976 in Tehran-Iran
Leadership of the nation of Islam
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