Explanation for God’s Names

فارسی English 1515 Views |

This is the most prominent work of the significant Persian philosopher, Mullah Hadi Sabzewari, on explanation for thousand names of God in the prayer, “Jowshan –e Kabir” (the Great Body Armour). It was written in Naser al-Din Shah’ era (Qajar shah); in Arabic.

The author
Mullah Hadi Sabzewari, Persian philosopher and poet (1797 – 1878), Sabzewar (town in Khorasan, Iran). He disseminated and clarified the doctrines of Mullah Sadra ####Shirazi (leading Persian philosopher; 1571 – 1640). He studies philosophy and mysticism in Isfahan, Iran under great teachers: Mullah Hossein Sabzewari, Muhammad Ibrahim Karbasi, Sheikh Muhammad Taqi, Mullah Ali Mazandarani Nuri and Mullah Ismail Isfahani. Then he went to Mashhad and started teaching. The following are some of his students in Mashhad:
- Mullah Muhammad Kazem Khorasani
- Mullah Muhammad Kazem Sabzewari
- Ayatollah Mirza Hossein Mujtahed Sabzewari
- Mullah Abdul Karim Quchani
- Mirzza Hasan Karim Damad
- Mirza Muhammad Yazdi, etc.

Then went to Sabzewar and took up residence for forty years in this city. He wrote books and trained many students. Sabzewari was also a poet, composed mystic poems. His pen name was “Asrar” (Secrets).

Structure of the book:
- Explanation for God’s names
- The prayer Jowshan –e Kabir
- Mullah Hadi Sabzewari’s life
- The author’s works

It contains 100 chapters which in each chapter, one of the verses of this prayer is explained. This book was published in 1997.


Explanation for God’s Names


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