Prosperity of the intellect in the light of Hosseini Movement

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This book is the result of discourses that the Ayatollah Javadi Amoli has delivered in “Moharam” (Februray) days by the name of “Prosperity of intellect in the light of Hosseini Movement”. It has been presented to the scientific society, by the above mentioned title, after compiling the discourses, final observing and accomplished appendices by Ayatollah Amoli. Ayatollah Amoli has analyzed and studied Hosseini movement (from an aspect) till to be more clear the inner feature of movement (which the authentic, firm, fixed intellect and rationality is with the light of revelation).####

The biography of Ayatollah Abdullah Javadi Amoli
Ayatollah Abdollah Javadi Amoli was born in Amol Township in 1933A.D. (1312). His father and ancestor were islam preachers and held the Household in high esteem. Ayatollah Javadi Amoli after finishing the elementary school, entered Amol’s theological school in 1946A.D. (1325) and until 1950 A.D. (1329) had studied there. After that, he went to Mashhad’s theological school but because its seminarians (theological students) did not show any reverence for Mashhad’s great scholars, he left there and entered Tehran’s theological school. After entering to Marvi’s school, studied “Rasa-el” and “Makaseb”, then learned “kefayat Al-usul”, “rational and transmitted sciences” (ulume aghli and naghli) and after 5 years he left for Qom’s theological school and has been there up to now. One of his cultural services is “the establishment of “Esra” publishers and research Institution in 1993A.D. (1372). He was present in constituent assembly(majlese khobregan) of constitutional law and in the first and second period of constituent assembly of leadership. He also has been one of the teachers community members of Qom’s theological school and now he is in charge of prayer leader on Fridays of sacred township of "Qom".

His masters and friends: Ayatollah AzizollahTabaresi, Mirza Mahdi Mohi Al-din Elahi Ghomshei, Ayatollah Burujerdi, Imam Khomeni and Allameh Seyyed Mohammad Hossein Tabatabai, etc. He has many works such as: Tasnim, The commentary of Noble Quran, thematic commentary of Noble Quran, Rahighe Makhtom, Asrar Al-Salat, Sahbaye Hajj, Vilayat-e faqih, etc.

The book structure:
1- part one: generalities: This part including 2 chapters:
1-1- chapter one: the Hosseni’s manner
1-2- chapter two: the message of Hosseini movement
2- Part two: the effect of Hosseini movement: This part including six chapters as follows:
2-1- chapter one: the prosperity of intellect
2-2- chapter two: those who make prosperous the intellect
2-3- chapter three: the opponents’ actions of intellect prosperity
2-4- chapter four: Hosseini uprising for prosperity of intellect
2-5- chapter five: the effect of Hosseni uprising in prosperity of intellect
2-6- chapter six: continuity of effect of Hosseini uprising for prosperity of intellect

In this book has been related the list of verses, traditions, poems, proper nouns, books and references. This book has been published by Esra publishers center in Qom in 2002 A.D. (1381S.H.). It has been edited and set by Sa’id Band Ali.


1- Prosperity of the intellect in the light of Hosseini movement by Javadi Amoli

2- Esra software


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