The guide of those who go astray ( Hadi Al-Musalin) in principles of religion
English 2004 Views |The theological subjects including 5 doctrinal principles of monotheism, justice, prophecy, Imamate and resurrection. Therefore, some theological works including 5 basic parts, on the basis of 5 mentioned doctrinal principles. “The guide of those who go astray“ (Hadi Al-Mosalin) which is one of the Mulla Hadi Sabzevari’s theological works is also partly like this. The author himself asserts in preface, that the book has been formed of 5 basic parts: 1- Monotheism 2- Justice 3- Prophecy and Imamate 4- Resurrection 5- whatever has been proved by experience. About the author of this work, ####have not been given a certain order, because there is two probability 1- in some bibliography references such as “Al-Zari’e” and “Fehrest” the manuscripts of this work has been introduced as one of the Haj Molla Hadi Sabzevari’s writings. 2- But in return, there is not a name of this book (“The guide of those who go astray“ [Hadi Al-Mosalin]) in any of his works’ list which has been presented.
The author’s biography:
Molla Hadi the son of Mahdi the son of Haj Mirzä Hadi the son of Mirzä Mahdi the son of Mohammad Sadegh Sabzeväri was born in Sabzevär in 1797A.D. (1212A.H.). He is one of the greatest philosophers and “Mysticisms” (Gnosticisms) of thirteen century A.H. and one of the most famous students and describers of Sadräi’s philosophy. At the age of seven he lost his father. At the age of ten for studying, he went to the Mashhad and lived there about 10 years. The fame of Isfahan scholars caused him for the studying of “Mysticism” (Gnosticism) and philosophy go to the Isfahan. He lived in Isfahan about 7 years, then returned to the Mashhad and began teaching in Haj Hassan school, then was departed for “House of God” (Mecca). In returning about 2 or 3 years compulsory lived in Kermän and began the “training of the soul”(tarbiyat nafs) and “ascetic discipline” (riyäzat). All the time that he was there, he helped the servant of school and theological students then married with the servant of school’s daughter and went to the Sabzewär. Near 40 years, without even leaving that city, he lived there and began studying, researching, teaching, compiling, worshiping, “ascetic discipline of the soul” (riyäzat nafs) and training the students. He died in Sabzevär in the afternoon of 1872A.D. (1289A.H.). His tomb is in the gate of Nishapur of Sabzevär (is known as a Zand crossroads). Häj Mollä Hadi Sabzeväri in poem used a nem de plume to secrets.
- Haj Mollä Mohsen Sabzeväri
- Äghä Mohammad Ali Najafi
- Häj Mohammad Ibrahim Kalbasi, etc.
- Äkhoond Mollä Mohammad Sabzeväri
- Kazem Khuräsäni
- Haj Fäzel
- Adib Niyshäpuri, etc.
- “Asrär Al-Hekam”(the secrets of wisdom).
- “Sharhe Masnavi” (explanation of Masnavi).
- Al-Räh Wal-Faraj
- Explanation of Al-subä “supplication”(do’ä).
- Explanation of the “names”(Al-Asmä), etc.
The book structure:
*The proofreader’s preface: the theme of “The guide of those who go astray“ (Hadi Al-Mosalin), the author of “The guide of those who go astray“ (Hadi Al-Mosalin), introducing the versions and the method of correction
*part one on monotheism (in kinds of monotheism meanings): including 3 subjects as follows:
1- the first subject on proving the Oneness of “the Necessary Being” (vajeb Al-wujud),
2- the second subject on proving the Essence Unity of Divinity
3- the third subject on proving the Oneness of God
*part two on justice: on several sections of justice
*part three: on explaining the prophecy, guardianship and invalidation of Innocent Household’s enemies:
1- Chapter one: on prophecy and guardianship of Mohammad and the descendents of Mohammad (p.b.u.h.),
2- chapter two: on invalidation of enemies
-conclusion: on cancellation the Christians (Nazarenes) viewpoint and answering their doubts
*pat four: on resurrection (on kinds of resurrection degrees which have been believed by the people
*part five: on explaining whatever which has been accomplished by experience
-the image of manuscripts
-the indexes including: verses, traditions, poems, references and sources
This book has been published by cultural works and dignitaries’ society in Tehran in 2004A.D. (1383S.H.). Its correction and researching has been done by Ali ôjebei.
The guide of those who go astray ( Hadi Al-Musalin) in principles of religion by Haj Molla Hadi Sabzevari
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