The remembrance of Resurrection
فارسی English 1776 Views |This book is one of the Javadi Amoli’s works and writings which with attendance of a group of brethren has been delivered the subjects about the resurrection remembrance in 1981-1982 A.D. (1360-1361S.H.) till to be the remember background for some and the note for some other. The total of that speeches have been gathered in this book. The author in his this book has talked about the resurrection’s degrees and stages, awakening from neglect dream, the resurrection remembrance and its remembrance’s obstacles. This writing is the reminder of some subjects about ####resurrection for the interested readers. For writing this book, the author has many used of Quranic verses and Nahj Al-Balagha.
The biography of Ayatollah Abdullah Javadi Amoli
Ayatollah Abdollah Javadi Amoli was born in Amol Township in 1933A.D. (1312). His father and ancestor were islam preachers and held the Household in high esteem. Ayatollah Javadi Amoli after finishing the elementary school, entered Amol’s theological school in 1946A.D. (1325) and until 1950 A.D. (1329) had studied there. After that, he went to Mashhad’s theological school but because its seminarians (theological students) did not show any reverence for Mashhad’s great scholars, he left there and entered Tehran’s theological school. After entering to Marvi’s school, studied “Rasa-el” and “Makaseb”, then learned “kefayat Al-usul”, “rational and transmitted sciences” (ulume aghli and naghli) and after 5 years he left for Qom’s theological school and has been there up to now. One of his cultural services is “the establishment of “Esra” publishers and research Institution in 1993A.D. (1372). He was present in constituent assembly(majlese khobregan) of constitutional law and in the first and second period of constituent assembly of leadership. He also has been one of the teachers community members of Qom’s theological school and now he is in charge of prayer leader on Fridays of sacred township of "Qom".
His masters and friends: Ayatollah AzizollahTabaresi, Mirza Mahdi Mohi Al-din Elahi Ghomshei, Ayatollah Burujerdi, Imam Khomeni and Allameh Seyyed Mohammad Hossein Tabatabai, etc. He has many works such as: Tasnim, The commentary of Noble Quran, thematic commentary of Noble Quran, Rahighe Makhtom, Asrar Al-Salat, Sahbaye Hajj, Vilayat-e faqih, etc.
The book structure:
This book including one preface and eighteen lessons as follows:
-preface including the titles: referring to God is equal with His emanation; remembrance the God is one of His Attributes of Act, “asking pardon of God” (esteqfär) from any pleasure which is not the remembrance of God, the world and the last world are face to face, etc.
1- Lesson one: morality in the Noble Quran; including the titles: the way of recognizing brightness, an example from politeness, etc
2- Lesson two: the pure life: another sign of pure life
3- lesson three: the pure life and its effects; including the tittles: the effect of pure life, the sign of Heart disease (bimäriye del), the stages of falling, the story of Qari Nahraväni
4- Lesson four: “affection” (love) and finding friends, one of the effects of pure life
5- lesson five: the role of “affection” (love) and friendship
6- lesson six: the role of resurrection remembrance in Man’s “enlightment” (värastegi): Three reason for resurrection’s necessity
7- lesson seven: the role or resurrection remembrance in Jihäd; including the titles: the aim of prophet’s “prophetic mission” (be’sat), the good deed, the reality of Christianity’s religion from the view point of Quran, etc
8- lesson eight: the role of resurrection’s remembrance in Man’s “construction” (säzandegi); including the tittles: the Ibn Tävus’s word, the Molla Sadra’s word, the Imam Ali’s word, the Allame Tabatabai’s word, the sheikh Kulayni’s word, etc
9- lesson nine: scene of resurrection and deeds; including the tittles: the relation of Monotheism and Justice, the scene of resurrection, describing the world, the sheikh Mofid’s word, etc
10- lesson ten: the healthiness of Man’s three stages and resurrection’s characteristics; including the titles: the Man’s real homeland, Imam Reza’s word, Islam’s complete stages, sleep is the brother of death, etc
11- lesson eleven: the obstacles of resurrection’s remembrance; including the titles: the high adornment and pleasure, the reason of Aaron’s falling, small-minded of worldly people, etc
12- lesson twelve: “whimsy” (haväparasti) the source of forgetfulness and resurrection, including the tittles: Imam Sädeq’s word about laughingstock, book of actions in resurrection day, etc
13- lesson thirteen: dispelling the doubts of resurrection deniers, including titles: Green tree, the samples of God’s power, Allame Amini’s word, the anger of tiger, etc
14- lesson fourteen: the book of actions and its quality, including the titles: who are the losers, unbeliever do not have comfort in resurrection, etc
15- lesson fifteen: division of Man from the viewpoint of Quran; including the tittles: the unite of measuring the deeds is Truth, the Man are three groups, etc
16- lesson sixteen: the difference between the world system and the last world, including the titles: the “glory” (ezat) is only for God, the causality law in resurrection, the meaning of death and die, etc
17- lesson seventeen: God’s revenge and its quality, including the tittles: kinds of revenge, the heaviness of resurrection burden, the loss of Man in resurrection, etc
18- lesson eighteen: the role of “self-controlling” (moräqebe) and reckoning in the light of resurrection remembrance, including the tittles: the meaning of “rival”(raqib), believer and paradise, the real inheritance, etc.
The remembrance of Resurrection by Javadi Amoli
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