Why prophets did not perform miracle for some of the polytheists according to the Koran
فارسی English 1576 Views |There is no doubt that the Prophet is supposed to do miracle in order to make people believe in him and his prophecy. But some of his opponents did not want to find out the truth, they just invented pretext and expected him to do any extraordinary acts they wanted:
They say: “we will never believe in you unless you cause a spring to gush forth from the earth for us, or have a garden full of date palms and grapevines and make rivers gush forth plentifully through the midst of them, or you cause the sky to fall in pieces on us as just you claim bring God and His angels to vouch for you, or you have a luxurious house built or soar up into the sky; we will never believe in your climbing up there until you bring down a book for us to read. Say: “Glory be to my Lord!” Am I anything but a human messenger?” [The Night Journey. 90 – 93]
All their request were unreasonable and in their own advantage. They expected the Prophet whatever they asked. They were not informed that miracle is done by God’s permission and it is performed for knowing the Prophet and guiding people:
They say: “if a sign were only sent down by his Lord for him!” so Say: “the Unseen belongs only to God, so wait: “I am waiting alongside you.” [Jonah. 20].
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