Two philosophical rules in Transcendent Theosophy
فارسی English 1834 Views |This book is one of the Ayatollah Jafar Sobhani Tabrizi’s works and writings. In this treatise the author has studied the biography of one of the time genius, great philosopher, Muhammad the son of Ibrahim Sadr Al-Din Shirazi. After studying the biography of that great man, he has briefly related his philosophical viewpoints and thoughts in two subjects (as follows) and presented (it) to the interested readers: 1- fundamentality of existence and ideality of quiddity 2- existential gradation except of quiddity. These two subjects considered as the basis of ####philosophical knowledge which is obvious in two sites of the Sadr Al-Din Shriazi’s biography and life. This book has been written in Arabic.
Biography of Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhäni Tabrizi
Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhäni Tabrizi was born in a scientific, piety and virtuous family in Tabriz in 1929.4. 9 A.D.(1308.1.20S.H./1347.10.28A.H). Ayatollah Sheikh Ja’far Sobhani after graduation from primary education, in the schoolhouse of “Late Mirza Mahmud Fäzel, learned the literature, Gulistän(the Rose Gurden), Bostän, Mojam history, Nassäb Al-sebyän, Abväb Al-Jenän , etc. At the age of fourteen, he left for Tälebiye “theological school” of Tabriz.
His Masters:
Ayatollah Rooholläh Khomeini, Haj Sheikh Hassan Nahvi, Mirza Mohammad Ali Modarres Khiyäbäni, the author of “Reyhänat Al-Adab”, AllämeTabätabäi, etc.
He is considered as one of the Islamic “Där Al-tabligh” masters of Qom that researches in the field of “Nations history” and “Islamic kaläm”. He also is the founder of “Islamic kaläm research center” (The Imam Sädegh(p.b.u.h)Education and research institute) in Qom in 1980A.D.(1359) and is one of the outstanding masters of Qom’s theological school that is excel of seminary. After death of Ayatollah Sheikh Javäd Tabrizi and with trusting to the request of some group of Azerbaijan people, entered (accept) the authority (marja’iyyat). Another one of his scientific and cultural activities:
-establishing and writing the Islamic kaläm encyclopedia.
-establishing Journal (magazine) and specialized center of Islamic kaläm.
-writing the university and seminaries textbooks and membership in Islamic encyclopedia “board of trustees”, etc.
-Al-Kotob Al-Kalamiye and Mojem Al-Motekallemin
-Mosooe’hTabaghät Al-Foghahä
-Mojam Al-Taräs and Al-Mosooe’h Al-Rejäliye
- Foroogh Abadiyat
-“Figurs” (biography) of sages (simäye farzänegän)
-Wahäbism religion
The book structure:
This book including two “parts” (maqäm) and two subjects as follows:
1-part one: Sadr Al-Mote’allehin’s biography
2-part two: on philosophy and sciences and separated limit between them
-First subject: fundamentality of existence
1-“self-evidence of being “ (Bedähate vojud) and the needless aspect of existence from definition
2-historical movement about fundamentality of existence
3- studying the place of dispute
4-fundamentality of existence and its reasonings
5- fundamental reality of quiddity (esälate Mähiyat) and the reasons of its believers
*Second subject: two stages of commonality of being:
1-unity of concept of being
2-the reality of being, reality including the different stages
This book has been printed and published by Imam Sadeq (p.b.u.h. ) Institute in Qom in 2003 A.D. (1382S.H.).
Two philosophical rules in Transcendent Theosophy by Jafar Sobhani
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