- The Prophet's motivation in his marriage with Khadija -Were the wives of Othman, the Prophet's daughters?
فارسی English 1830 Views |-Were the wives of Othman, the Prophet's daughters?
According to some orientalists the Prophet married Khadija because of her wealth!
According to history, this view is absolutely wrong, because firstly Khadija proposed to the Prophet and the Prophet id not propose to her.
Secondly the Prophet never took an action concerning financial intentions. Thirdly, having a great deep respect for Khadija even after her death (by the Prophet) shows he never married her for her wealth, but the Prophet married Khadija because of her great morals.
Also Khadija's aim for getting married to the Prophet was s divine aim. She was fairly rich and had a high rank, therefore she could marry another man who was neither orphan nor poor, but she perfectly knew the Prophet. She knew the Prophet was honest and trustworthy.
The children of the Prophet and Khadija
According to Imam Baqer (p.b.u.h) the children of the Prophet and Khadija are six:
"Umm-e Kolthum", "Zeynab", "Qasem", "Taher", Roqayyeh" and "Fatima".
The same tradition is also narrated by Imam Sdeq.
According to the historian, "Tabarsi": "Abdullah" is the first child of Khadija and the Prophet, he is also called "Tayyeb" and "Taher". Some say by mistake Khadija was delivered of four sons: Qasem, Taher, Tayyeb and Abdullah!
The Prophet's nickname was taken of his son's name (Qasem).
They also had four daughters: "Zeynab"
"Fatima", Roqayyeh", "Umm-e Kolthum".
The same tradition is also narrated by the historians:
Ibn Shahr-e Ashub, Yaqubi, Kazeruni, Masoudi, etc.
But some historians believe "Roqayyeh" and "Zeynab" were the adopted daughters of the Prophet, it is said that Khadija had a sister called "Haleh", she married a man from the tribe "Bani Tamim" (famous Arab tribe) called "Abu Hend" who had two daughters: (Zeynab and Roqayyeh) of his former wife. When Abu Hend die, Haleh came (with the two daughters) to live with Khadija and the Prophet. After the death of Haleh, her daughters were raised by Khadija and the Prophet.
Were the wives of Othman, the Prophet's daughters?
Othman's wives were not absolutely the Prophet's daughters, because firstly according to some sources, "Roqayyeh" was the adopted daughter of the Prophet not his own daughter, therefore Othman married the adopted daughter of the Prophet not his daughter. Secondly all the children of the Prophet were born after Hijra (Emigration from Mecca to Medina) therefore it is fairly wrong to accept that "Raoqayyeh" and "Umm-e Kolthum" married the sons of Abu Lahab (the Prophet's paternal uncle), in time of Jhiliya and after the advent of Islam they divorced and married Othman. It is also said that Roqayyeh married Othman and they participated in the two emigrations to Abyssinia. This is totally unacceptable because the first emigration happened five years after the prophetic Mission (Be'sat), it means Roqayyeh had married at the age of two or three!
Al-Sahih Men Sirat al-Nabi
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