Misgiving about employment of means by the prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) and the answer of that

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The other question here is that Islam prohibits the use of profane means to attain sacred goals, why did the Holy Prophet allow Muslims to stop the caravan of the Quraish infidels in Mecca and confiscate their property? This, of course, was done for a sacred purpose, namely the victory of Islam. Many may say that Jihad is permitted in Islam for the sake of its sacred goal. Or, a while lie is better than truth which leads to disaster. If one to choose between saving the life of a worthy person through a while lie or endangering his innocent life by telling the truth, Islam recommends the while lie to save his life. In such cases, lyin is allowed. Isn’t this using a profane means to attain a sacred goal?

Human criteria as the factor of legality and respect of human rights
The answer is that sometimes the means is not even unlawful or worthy of hatred like Jihad. It is wrong to presume that a human being’s life and property should be preserved at any cost on the biological ground that he belong to the human species.

Such ideas come from the west. From a biological angle, Mu’awiah was a human being, and so was Abudhar. It is not that Abudhar’s blood group was superior to that of Muwiah. When comparing or judging human beings, we do not consider the biological human from, but the human qualities and standards, the human criteria. One who is anti human is in reality not a human being. Mu’awiah was an anti- human being. That is, they lacked human qualities such as nobleness, excellence, honesty, peity, justice, love for independence and freedom, patience, forbearance and so forth.

A biological human from is potentially ( and not in actually ) social. If a human rebels against humaneness, freedom, monotheism, justice, righteousness and so forth, he cannot be regarded as respectable and his life by killing should not be preserved. Depriving him of his life and property or execution is not something abominable or hateful, and it is done for a sacred purpose. Executing a murderer for having killed somebody else is not considered abominable. It is done for a loftier purpose. When a human being has come to kill innocent persons, than he ceases to be human. When AbuI’ ala Mu’arri said:

“ I do not understand the Islamic punishment of cutting the hand of a thief on stealing one- fourth of a dinar or a ( mulet) of 500 dinars for a theft of 10 toumans”, Sayyed Murtada gave a beautiful reply” “ The honor of the hand is due to its honestly, and treachery deprives it of its respect. That is how you understand God”s Wisdom.”

Yes. the hand, as physical organ of the body, is respectable by itself. If they say its value is five hundred dinars, but it is cut off as mulet for a theft of one forth of a dinar, it is because the hand is honorable and honest and is extremely precious, but if it is treacherous as in the second case, it is worthless! ( not worthy for that man).

About the Quraish infidels, however, we should say that they were people who for thirteen years had done nothing but prevented the voice of the Holy Prophet from reaching the people, as this would go against their interests. They harassed the Muslims and tortured them to death, extending their crimes to extremes. They were a group pf usurers who had amassed wealth in this way. Can we still say that their property is worthy of honor and had to be preserved? No such property cannot be respected. Even if the goal was not sacred, this property was not worth honor and protection.

Finally it is not less important and significant than the problem of saving a believer’s life by a deceptive lie.

Propagation and the call to truth does not permit resort to fabrications and false means. The Holy Quran says:

“ And had it not been that We had already established you, you would certainly have been near to incline to them a little. In that case We would certainly have made you to taste a double ( punishment) in this life and a double (punishment) after deaith..” The Holy Quran ( 17: 74-75)

Achieving the Truth, only by Truth
O, Prophet! had it not been because of our favors, you would have made a mistake. What was the Holy Prophet’s mistake? The infidels asked him to keep away from their idols for one years if he wanted them to accept Islam. Although the Holy Prophet it occurred to him to compromise in order to guide these people to truth. He received the order not to compromise, because the nature of faith does not accept it, Had it not been a question of faith and truth and had only the social rights of the individual been involved, like for example a lie to save a human being’s life, such a compromise would not have mattered as it could bring fruitful results afterwards. But regarding faith, when calling people to God, if reasoning is not based on truth, and this comes to be exposed later on, people would be repulsed. This, in turn, will be a sever blow to Islam which can in no why be reconciled, and Islam by no means permits resort to lies to attain the truth.

The later Haj Mirza Hossein Nouri ( peace be upon him), a leading authority on Shiite tradition –a really experienced narrator of traditions – died eight years ago, in the year 1321 A. H My late father ( peace be upon him), said that he went to Najaf for study and there he saw the late Hajj Nouri preaching and mentioning this verse.

“And do not say of any thing: “ Surely I Will do it tomorrow, unless Allah pleases”….. The Holy Quran ( 18: 23-24)

He fell sick shortly afterwards and died. He was the teacher of the late Haj Sheikh Abbas Qomi (peace be upon him). I have read his brief book, Lu’ lu’ – Va- Marjan, from beginning to end. I was greatly moved by this book which is about the manners of preaching and criticism of some preachers who do not always observe them. The things that some preachers forget are:

1. They do not tell the truth arguing that if the mention a weak tradition which leater turns out to be a lie, it will not matter because their goal is important.
2. They believe their goal is no incite people to cry for Imam Hussain and therefore it is a sacred one.

He has dedicated half of the book to falsehood and truth stressing how Islam strictly forbids resort to lies under any condition, even for propagating religion. The other half of the book deals with sincerity in propagating and making people shed tears for Imam Hussain (A.S).

The Story of hurling stones at people, for exciting the ceremony
Concerning means and ends, he mentions interesting points too. For example, he talks about an Indian scholar who asked him to write a book condemning those who lie or recite wrong traditions on the pulpit. He answers to him that these lies were made up in the very centre of learning The he mentions the story of the Yazid scholar who was on his way crossing the desert to visit th shrine of Imam Reza (A.S) in Mash ad. Since this happened to be during the month of Muharram and the night of Ashura, he was upset that he could not reach Mash ad or a big city where he could attend a mourning ritual for Imam Hussain. Having no other choice, he decided to stay at a village and attend its mourning ritual. There was preacher who mounted the pulpit and the attendant of the mosque handed him a bag of stones.

He was surprised to see that when nobody at the preacher’s recitations, he had the lights turned off and started to hurl those stones at the audience. The people began to cry and shout. After the ceremony, the Yazid scholar asked that preacher why did he commit such a crime. He answered:

“ This is the only way that can make these people cry for Imam Hussain (A.S) and I have to use any possible means to make them cry”. the Yazid scholar told him that he was wrong and that Imam Hussain had enough heart – rending stories that could make people weep if they were true lovers and followers of Hossain But if the people do not know who Imam Hussain is, they will not cry enve if the preachers recite these stories for another hundred years.

Necessity of employment of means of God for inviting to God
In calling people to Islam and propagating the message of Islam, one should make the slightest mistake, because Allah has guaranteed to help His apostles in propagationg His words:

“Most surely We help Our apostles, and those who who believe in this world’s life on the day the witnesses shall stand up.” The Holy Quran, ( 40: 51)

O, Prophets! you follow the right path and the truth and We shall guarantee its efficacy. The Prophet acted as per God’s orders to realize their goals.

Islamic rich sources for inviting to religion and faith
Therefore, we are not allowed to exploit just any means whatsoever to call people to our religion and faith. This, accidentally, will instead bring about negative results.

Those who are not rich in authentic references need to fabricat lies. We are so rich in true reference that even to feel the need to fabricate lies is mistake. If we intend to make people weep for Imam Hussain (A.S), the event of Ashura is so full of heroic, sentimental, pathetic, attractive, elevating and heart – rending scenes that mere mention of Hussain ‘s name is enough to make people shed tears, provided there be a spark of faith in their hearts. It is said that the love for Imam Hussain (A.S) is hidden in the heart of every believer, “ My martydon is associated with tears.” The late Muhaddith Qomi, in his ‘ Nafthatulmasdur, says that Abuharun was blind but very capable poet. He wrote occasional elegies for Imam Hussain (A.S). Being a companion of Imam Sadiq (A.S) ,he says once he visited the Imam. The letter asked him to recite an elegy about his great grandfather, Imam Hussain. Abuharun obeyed and the Imam asked all ladies in the house to hear this elegy from behind the curtain. Abuharun started reciting one of his latest elegies: Although he had ercited five verses only, there was an uproar in the house, Imam Sadiq started shedding tears and his shoulders trembled. When the crying rose in intensity, the Imam apparently asked Abu harun to stop reciting. I should say that it was the best among all the elegies I have ever come across. I memorized it from the Nafthatulmasdur while still a young student in Mash ad, before I went to Qom. It reads:

“O you passer – by! I, the Zephyr! pass by the grave of Hussain, son of Ali (A.S) and give him the message of his friends ad his followers! O, the Zephyr! Take our message to the sacred bones of Imam Hussain, Say: O Bones! You are always satiated with tears of Hussain’s friends. If they prevented you from water, if they martyred Imam Hussain, in utmost thirst, now the friends of Imam Hussain keep you satiated with their tears all the time. O, Zephyr! If you pass the corpse of these innocent people, do not only suffice with greetings, but linger around there for a long time too. Remember the troubles Imam Hussain had, and shed tears, like a mother who has lost her only son, Cry th same way she does for the innocent son (Hussain) of that innocent father and innocent mother!


noble character of the Holy prophet of islam- pages:103to113


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