The Names of the Heaven mentioned in the Koran
فارسی English 3031 Views |In the following Koranic verses there are four names for Paradise:
Gardens of bliss, The gardens of Eden, The garden of paradise and
The garden of Repose.
The following verses indicate the different names of the Heaven:
1- And the pioneers will be out there leading! Those will be the nearest in gardens of bliss (56:10-12)
2- [He will have] contentment, fragrance, and a garden of bliss (56:89)
3-Does ever man among them aspire to enter the Garden of Bliss? Of course not! (70:38-39)
4-those who believe and perform honorable deeds will have gardens with living quarters to relax in because of what they have been doing (32:19)
5-he will forgive you your offences and show you into garden through which rivers flow, and whole some dwellings in the gardens of Eden.
That will be the supreme Achievement! (61:12)
6-those who believe and perform honorable deeds will have the gardens of paradise as a lodging to live in forever, they will seek any transfer from it. (18: 107-108)
7- Will be the heirs who shall inherit paradise to live there forever. (23:10-11)
8- Near the Hawthorn on the Boundary alongside the Garden of Repose (53:14-15)
"Recognition of Resurrection" (Allameh Tehrani)
"Acquaintance with the Koran" (Morteza Motahari)
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