
Resurrection and reviving dead countryside

In many of the Koranic verses, reviving the earth in spring is likened to reviving the dead in Resurrection Day:

1- He is the one who sends winds to announce His mercy directly so that whenever they life up heavy clouds, We drive them along to a dead countryside and send down water from them, and thus we bring forth every kind of fruit. Thus we bring forth the dead too so you may bear this in mind. (7:57).

2- We have sent down blessed water from the sky and We grew gardens with it as well as grain to be harvested and soaring palms which have compact clusters as sustenance for worshippers. We have revived dead countryside with it, thus will (you) reappearance be. (50:9-11)



  • al-Mizan Koranic Exegesis (Allameh Tabatabai)
  • The Quran English translation (T.B. Irving)

کلید واژه ها

Human Death Proof of Resurrection The nature Beliefs in the Koran

مطالب مرتبط

Divine power of the Creator (God) Creation of man and the universe The soul survival proves Resurrection Temperament proves Resurrection Divine justice and Resurrection God's mercy-giving proves Resurrection The truth proves Resurrection

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