Seyyed Nemat Allah Jazayeri

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Name of the personage: Seyyed Ne’mat Allah Jazayeri, prominent jurisconsult was born in 1640 in one of the islands around Basra. He was one of the grandchildren of Imam Kazem (p.b.u.h) [the 7th Imam of Shias]. After learning primary education, Jazayeri and his brother (Seyyed Najm al –Din) travelled to Shiraz –Iran to continue his education. He led a poor and difficult life in Shiraz, he had to work hard to be able to study. Therefore he transcribed books, corrected the transcriptions and wrote glosses on books in order to earn #### money. Sometimes he worked from night up to morning, then studied his lessons and started teaching up to midday and after that he himself attended one of his masters’ class. He spent three years in this manner in Shiraz. He studied under great masters in Shiraz: sheikh Jafar Bahrani (d. 1679), Ibrahim Ibn mullah Sadra, shah Abul Vali Shirazi, Seyyed Hashem Ehsaee, sheikh Saleh Kazkazani (d. 1686). After marriage he travelled to Isfahan to complete his education. The following are some of his masters in Isfahan:
Seyyed Ahmad Mirza Jazayeri, Mirza Rafi’ Tabatabaei (d. 1668), Sheikh Emad Yazdi, Mohaqeq Sabzewari (d.1678), sheikh Ali Aameli, sheikh Horr Aameli (d. 1692), sheikh Hossein Khansari (d. 1686), Amir Ismail Khatun Abaadi (d. 1704), mullah Mohsen Feiz Kashani (d. 1679) and Allameh Baqer Majlesi.
In Isfahan also he had a poor life but his master “Allameh Majlesi” helped and supported him; Jazayeri also helped him in writing the prominent book “Beharul Anwar”. He stayed four years in Allameh Majlesi’s house and gradually atarted teaching in a school.
In 1668, he was invited to Khuzestan –Iran by the ruler of Khuzestan (Fath Ali khan). Jazayeri established many mosques and religious schools and trained great students. He was the relugious leader of Khuzestan and also south of Iraq. He guided people and tried to abolish the enmity between tribes.

Jazayeri trained many students and each of them guided peolple and taught Islamic sciences throughout the Islamic world:
Abul Hasan Qaravi Isfahani, Abul Hasan Shushtari, sheikh Ali Jameyi Aameli, Fath Allah Dorfi, Qazi (Judge) Taqi Shushtari, sheikh Muhammad Sabiri, sheikh Muhammad Alamul Hoda Kashani, sheikh Muhammad Najjar Shushtari, Mahmoud Meimandi and many others.

There are left over 55 works of him, the following are some of them:
Flower of spring, Present of secrets, Exegesis of the Quran, Rare news, Clear light (on the stories of the prophets), Gardens of virtuous people (on virtues of Imams), Unique companion (on explanation of monotheism) and many other glosses.

Seyyed Nemat Allah Jazayeri died in 1700.


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