Shahid Balkhi

فارسی English 2108 Views |

Abul Hasan Shahid Ibn Hossein Balkhi, celebrated Iranian philosopher, theologian, poet and man of letters, born in Balkh but the date of his birth is not identified. There is not much information about his childhood and youth but it is said that he was a calligrapher. Shahid Balkhi was contemporary and had relationship with Abul Qasem Balkhi, Abu Zeyd Balkhi and Zakaria Razi (great Muslim physician and philosopher). Shahid Balkhi eulogised the king of Samanid dynasty, Nasr Ibn Ahmad Samani and also his minister “Abu Abdullah Jeyhani” in his poems. He #### had also relationship with Jafar Ibn Muhammad Rudaki (Iranian poet) and praised him. Shahid Balkhi was Ismaili. Ismailis (a major section of Shia, also known not quite accurately as the Seveners). He was more a philosopher rather than a poet. The date of his death is not identified exactly but it is said that he died in 936 / 937.

- Diwan (his collected poems)
- Superiority of pleasures of self over pleasures of body


Shia encyclopedia

Mojam al-Udaba


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