Correct commentary of difficult Koranic verses
فارسی English 1746 Views |The present book is a work of Ayatollah Sobhani, concerning commentary of difficult Koranic verses. It is composed as a result of an exegesis book called “commentary of difficult verses” written by "Yousof Sho'ar" in which the author explains wrongly some difficult Koranic verses.
The author
Ayatollah Jafar sobhani Tabrizi ,contemporary Iranian scholar. Born in 1930, in Tabriz into a religious family. He studied in Persian literature, the books “ Nasaab al- sebyan” , Abwab al- Jenan “ (the doors of paradise) , “ Mo jam History” in the presence of “ Mirza Mahmud Fazel”. Then he continued his studies in “ Tableiyeh school” in Tabriz he was trained into presence of great scholars : Ayatollah Ruhallah khomenini, sheikh Hasan Nahwi and Mirza Muhammad Ali Modems khiyabani Ayatollah sobhani is the founder of “ the center of Islamic theological studies” and also one of the great teachers in “ Qom seminary.
His works
1- Theological books and Mujam al- Mutakallemin
2- Mosoueh
3- The eternal light
4- wahhabism. etc.
The book structure
The book includes 30 chapters as follows:
1- Exegesis of the verse 23 (surah “Consultation” /Showra):
[What is inferred from “affection towards your relatives”?]
2- Exegesis of the verse 113 (surah “Repentance” /Tawba):
Was Azar father of Abraham the Prophet?
3- Exegesis of the verse 3(surah The Table /Maedeh): “Today I have perfected your religion for your and completed my favour towards you, and have consented to grant you [Islam] as a religion”. [Does this verse descend, about Imam Ali?]
4- Exegesis of the verse 234 (surah cow/Baqara): “those of you who pass away and leave spouses behind, let [the latter] hold themselves back for months and then [days more]. Once they reach the end of their term, you are not responsible for however they dispose of themselves with due formality.
God is informed of anything you do”.
5- Exegesis of the verse 30 (surah Mary):
“He said: I am Gods servant. He has give me the book and Made me a Prophet”. [Does this verse indicate that Jesus was a Prophet in his childhood?]
6- Exegesis of the verse 237(surah cow/Baqara) “If you divorce woman before you have had contact with them and have already assigned then a living , then [give them] half of what you have assigned them unless they forego it, or the man in whose hand lies the marriage knot forgoes it. That you forgo it is nearer heedfulness.
Do not forget to be generous with one another; God is observant of whatever you do”. [What is inferred from “the man in whose hand lies the marriage knot forgoes it”?]
7- Exegesis of the verse 16(surah the Ants/ Naml): “Solomon fell heir to David, and he said: O mankind m we have been taught the speech of birds, and been given a little of everything.
This ids manifest bounty.[ Is hereditary deserved in wealth or knowledge?]
8-The Koran and intercession
9- Exegesis of the verse.139-149(surah Drawn up in ranks/ saffat): Jonah was an emissary (139) when he deserted to the laden ship (140) gambled and was one of those who lost out (141) the fish swallowed him while he was still to blame (142)
If he had not been same one who glorified God (143) He would have lingered an its belly until the day when they will be raised up
again (144) we flung him up on empty shore and he felt heartsick (145) we made a gourd tree grow up aver him (146) and sent him off to a hundred thousand people or even more (147) they believe so we let them enjoy themselves for a while. (148)
Ask their opinions as to whether you Lord has daughters while they have sons (149)
[Did Jonah disobey God?]
10- Exegesis of the verse 23 (surah Heights/ Araaf):
They said: “Lord, we have harmed ourselves! If you do not forgive us and grant us mercy, we'll be losers.” [Did Adam the Prophet and Eve (his wife) disobey God?]
11- Exegesis of the verses (10 and 11, the surah House of Imroan / Aale-Imran):
Neither their wrath nor their children will ever save those who disbelieve in any way from God, those will be fuel for the fire (10)
In the case of pharaoh’s house as well as those before them they denied our signs, so God seized them because of their offences, God is stern in punishment (11)
12- Exegesis of the verse 30 (surah cow/Baqara) so when your Lord told the angels: “I am placing an overlord on earth,” they said” will you place someone there who will corrupt it shed blood, while we hymn your praise sanctify you?” He said: “I know something you do not know”. [What is inferred from “an overlord on earth?]
13- Exegesis of the verse 99(surah stone land /Hejr): serve your Lord unitl conviction comes to you! [Does “conviction” mean death?]
14- Exegesis of the verse 45(surah Luxury/zokhrof): Quesltion any of our messengers we have sent before you: “Did we set up any other gods they should serve instead of the Mercy –giving?”
[How prophets were questioned?]
15-[Is any priority required for exegesis of this verses?]
16- Exegesis of the verse 19(surah the house of Imam /Aale Imam):
Religion with God means [Islam]a commitment to live in peace. Those who have already been given the Book did not disagree until after knowledge had come to them, out of envy for anther. Anyone who disbelieves in Gods signs will find God is prompt in reckoning. [Is Islam considered as the most perfect religion?]
17- Exegesis of the verse 110(surah the night journey/ Isra): say: “Appeal to God, or appeal to the Mercy-giving: whichever [name] you may invoke, he still has the finest Names.
Do not shout in your prayer not say it under your breath. Seek a course in between.
[What is inferred from “do not shout in your prayer nor say it under your breath?"]
18- Exegesis of the verse 11(surah Friday /jomeh) yet whenever they see some business or some sport they flock towards it and leave you standing there [alone]. Say: “whatever God has is better than any sport or business. "God is the Best Provider”. [What is inferred from the Best Provider?]
19- Exegesis of the verse85 (surah stories /Qesas) :
The one who has charged you with the Reading will return you to your destination.
Say, “May Lord is quite Aware as to who has brought guidance and who is in plain error.”
[Does Resurrection mean destination?]
20- Exegesis of the verse3 (surah women/Nesa):
If you are afraid you will not deal fairly wilt orphans, than marry off such women as may seen good to you in pairs, or three , or four, [at a time].
If you still fear you will not justly. They marry one only or someone your right hand controls.
That is more likely to keep you from committing an in justice.
21- Exegesis of the verse 7 (surah the heights / Araaf) let us relate what we know about them since we have not been absent.
[Will human’s deeds be questioned on the Day of Judgement?]
22- Exegesis of the verse 54(surah cow/Baqarah) when Moses told his folk: “My people, you have wronged yourselves in accepting the calf, so turn towards your Maker in repentance and kill your own guilty selves, that will be better for you with your Maker.
He will then relent towards you, since he is the Relenting, the Merciful.
[What is inferred from “kill your own guilty selves?]
23-Why the surah “Repentance” (Tawba) does not begin with the Name of Allah?
24- Exegesis of the verse 40 (surah Bees/ Nahl): Our Statement for anything we have willed is only for us to tell it: “Be! and it exists.
25- Exegesis of the verse 172(surah cow/ Baqarah): you, who believe, eat any wholesome things we have provided you with, and thank God if it is He whom you worship.
26- Exegesis of the verse 7 (surah the house of Imam /Aale Imam) he is the one who sent you down the Book which contains decisive verses. They form the basis of the Book, while others are allegorical.
Those whose hearts are prone to fatter follow whatever is allegorical in it, seeking to create dissension by giving their own interpretation of it. Yet only God knows its interpretation those who are versed in knowledge say: “we believe in it, it all comes from our Lord!”
However only prudent persons bear it in mind [decisive and allegorical verses in the Koran].
27- Explanation in the Koran
28- Exegesis of the verse 4, 5, 6 (surah the dunes/Ahqaaf): say: “have you ever seen what you appeal to instead of to God? Show me what part of earth they have created! Have they any partnership in Heaven? Bring me a book previous to this one or any other trace of knowledge if you are so truthful” (4)
Who is further off the track than someone who appeals to something which will not respond to him until Resurrection Day, instead of to God [Alone]? They are oblivious [of the fact] that they are being appealed to (5)
When mankind is summoned, they will become of their and renounce their own worship. (6)
[Do these verses reject seeking help?]
29- say: “Invoke those whom you claim to have besides Him: they do not control any means of removing harm from you nor for changing it.”(56)
Even those whom they appeal to, crave access to their Lord vying to be nearest. They hope for His mercy and fear His torment .you Lords torment is something to beware of! (57)
30-The correct method of commentary of the Koran
The book was published in 1992 in Qom -Iran
Correct commentary of difficult Koranic verses
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