The Imams' life

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“The Imams' life” composed by the author Ayatollah Sobhani.

The author considers   the Shia twelve Imams life in a simple eloquent manner.


The author
Ayatollah Jafar   sobhani  Tabrizi ,contemporary Iranian scholar. Born in 1930,  in Tabriz into a religious family. He studied in Persian literature, the  books “  Nasaab al- sebyan” , Abwab al- Jenan “ (the  doors of paradise) , “ Mo jam History” in the presence of “ Mirza Mahmud Fazel”.  Then he continued  his studies  in “ Tableiyeh school”  in Tabriz he was trained into presence  of great scholars : Ayatollah  Ruhallah khomenini, sheikh Hasan Nahwi and Mirza Muhammad Ali Modems khiyabani  Ayatollah sobhani is the founder of “ the center of Islamic  theological studies” and also one of the great teachers in “ Qom seminary.

His works

1- Theological books and Mujam al- Mutakallemin
2- Mosoueh
3- The eternal  light
4- wahhabism. etc.


The book structure

The book includes 12 chapters which each concerns the life of on Imam:

1- The life of His Holiness Ali

2- The life of Imam Hasan: The text of message of peace with
Mu'awiya (Umayyad caliph), the martyrdom, etc.

3- The life of Imam Hossein: The reasons of the uprising (against Yazid), the letter to Mu'awiya, delivering a lecture in Nineveh, etc.

4- The life of Imam Sajjad: worship and prayer

5- The life of Imam Muhammad Baqer

6- The life of Imam Jafar Sadeq (Blessing of God be upon him)

7- The life of Imam Musa Kazem (Blessing of God be upon him)

8- The life of Imam Reza (Blessing of God be upon him)

9- The life of Imam Muhammad Taqi: the allegiance to Ma'mun (Abbasid caliph)

10- The life of Imam Ali Naqi

11- The life of Imam Hasan Askari

12- The life of Imam Mahdi: The characteristics, the Koran and the future of societies, Is it possible to establish a single world government? etc.




The Imams' life


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