Allameh Majlisi’s Replies to Mullah Khalil

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This book is one the works of Allameh Majlisi, in Persian. In this book, three questions of Mullah Khalil are answered by Allameh Majlisi in brief. The following are these three questions:

1- (the reality and invalidity of the philosophers’ methods), Allameh answers that if people had a perfect intellect, God would never send the prophets to them and let them do all by their own intellect
2- (Mujtahidins and Akhbarins’ methods), the answer is ####somehow related to that of the previous
3- (the reality and invalidity of Sufis’ methods), Allameh answers: “the path of the religions are the same, God Almighty sent one prophet and determined one religious law but people are different in the stages of deed and virtue”.

The author
Allameh Muhammad Baqer Majlisi was an authoritative jurist, a most prolific collector of traditions (Hadiths), and an unprecedentedly influential author of the Twelver Shia (1627 – 1698). Under the Safavid Shah Hossein I, he was practically the actual ruler of Iran. His father Muhammad Taqi Majlisi was a famous scholar as well. Allameh Majlisi studied under his father and other great masters: Mullah Muhammad Saleh Mazandarani, Mirza Rafu’ al-Din Tabatabaee, Mullah Hossein Ali Shushtari, Sheikh Abdullah Aameli, Mullah Mohsen Feyz Kashani and Seyyed Mirza Jazayeri.

Structure of the book
the book includes three chapters:
1) Allameh Majlisi’s replies to Mullah Khalil
2) The treatise “encouragement of the wayfarers” which is from Allameh Muhammad Taqi Majlisi
3) On the Mjlisi’s sonnet (Ali Majlisi; Allameh Majlisi’s grand father who was a poet)


Allameh Majlisi’s replies to Mullah Khalil


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