The Fourteen Persian Treatises
فارسی English 1527 Views |This book is a collection of Mirza Ahmad Ashtiyani’s treatises, which have been compiled by “Reza Ostadi”. This collection includes 14 Persian treatises on philosophy, the principles of beliefs, theosophy, ethics, jurisprudence, commentary and the Prophetic Hadiths, etc.
The author
Mirza Ahmad Ashtyani, son of Mirza Hasan Mujtahed Ashtyani. He was an expert scholar at intellectual and transmitted sciences. He studied in the presence of the ####philosophers “Kermanshahi” and “Ishkewari. Ashtyani taught jurisprudence, methodology (Osul) and intellectual sciences over forty years in Tehran. About 1927 – 1932 traveled to Njaf in order to complete the transmitted sciences and he himself was teaching. He taught “Asfar” (written by mullah Sadra) and many prominent scholars of Najaf attended his classes. “Allameh Tabatabaei” studied some parts of the lesson (Asfar) in his presence. Ashtyani died in 1975 and was nearly 100 years old.
Structure of the book
It includes the following Persian treatises:
1- The fixed saying
2- The purified word
3- The capital of bliss (monotheism, prophecy, Imamate and resurrection)
4- The reasons for monotheism
5- The reminder (on monotheism)
6- On monotheism and resurrection
7- The useful explanation
8- Exegesis of the Quranic verse: Say: “the spirit [operates] at my Lord’s command, while you have been given only a smattering of knowledge” (17/ 85)
9- Ethics and monotheism
10- Eidiyyeh (Festive Day)
11- The manner of praying
12- Book of worship
13- On Reading
14- Ahmadiya gift (the Prophet’s gift)
The Fourteen Persian Treatises
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