The Gift of Pilgrim

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The Gift of Pilgrim, is the name of a book, written by Allameh Majlisi, in Persian, on the manner of traveling.

The author
Allameh Muhammad Baqer Majlesi, born into an educated family, was the most cwlebrated Twelver Shia scholar and traditionist in the middle of the second half of the17th and the first ten years of the 18th century in Isfahan. Allameh was the 3rd son of “Allameh Muhammad Taqi Majlesi” who was one of the most prominent Shia schoalr. Allameh Majlesi studied most of the religious sciences in the ####presence of his father.

Structure of the book
The book includes a preface, 12 chapters, as following:
- Preface on the manner of traveling
The chapters:
1- On divine rewards fro repairing the Prophet and Imams’ tomb and divine reward for visiting their holy shrines
2- On the state and virtue of visiting the holy shrines of the Prophet, Fatima (the Prophet’s daughter) and the Imams
3- The state and virtue of visiting the holy shrine of Imam Ali
4- On the virtue of Najaf, Kufa and Forat Water (a place in Karbala – Iraq)
5- On the virtue of visiting Karbala (the place of Imam Hossein’ martyrdom)
6- On the virtue of visiting the holy shrine of Imam Hossein
7- On the virtue of pilgrimage of Imam Hossein which can be done at any time
8- On the virtue of pilgrimage of Imam Hossein which must be done at a particular time
9- On the virtue and state of visiting the holy shrines of the 7th Imam (Kazem), the 8th Imam (Reza) and the 9th (Javad) [peace be upon them]
10- On the state and virtue of visiting the holy shrines of the 10th Ima (Ali al-Naqi), the 11th Imam (Hasan Askari) and the 12th Imam (Mahdi) [peace be upon them]
11- On the state of visiting the holy shrines of the Imams’ descendants
12- On reading “Ziyarat-e Jame’eh” (name of a prayer of pilgrimage).


The Gift of Pilgrim (Allameh Majlisi)


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