The Provisions for Resurrection

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This book is the name of a book, written by Allameh Majlisi; in Persian. It contains the deeds which should be done in a year (according to Arabic months) and the virtues of some days and nights.

The author
Allameh Muhammad Baqer Majlisi was an authoritative jurist, a most prolific collector of traditions (Hadiths), and an unprecedented influential author of the Twelver Shia (1627 – 1698). Under the Safavid Shah Hossein I, he was ####practically the actual ruler of Iran. His father Muhammad Taqi Majlisi was a famous scholar as well. Allameh Majlisi studied under his father and other great masters: Mullah Muhammad Saleh Mazandarani, Mirza Rafu’ al-Din Tabatabaee, Mullah Hossein Ali Shushtari, Sheikh Abdullah Aameli, Mullah Mohsen Feyz Kashani and Seyyed Mirza Jazayeri.

Structure of the book
It contains 14 chapters:
1- The virtues of the Rajab (the 7th Arabic month)
2- The virtues of Sha’ban (the 8th Arabic month)
3- The virtues and the deeds which should be done in Ramadan (the 9th Arabic month)
4- The virtues of Shavval (the 10th Arabic month)
5- The virtues of Zi al-Hajja (the 12th Arabic month)
6- The virtues of Muharram (the 1st Arabic month)
7- The virtues of Safar (the 2nd Arabic month)
8- The virtues of Rabi al-Awwal (the 3rd Arabic month)
9- The virtues of Rabi al-Thani (the 4th Arabic month)
10- The deeds of each month
11- The prayer of pilgrimage of the Prophet and the Imams
12- On different sorts of prayer
13- The religious commandments of the deceased
14- The religious commandments of “Khoms” (one fifth of a person’s revenues that each Muslim is required to donate for charity).


The Provisions for Resurrection


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