The Expression and Exposition
فارسی English 1561 Views |This book is written on different kinds of expressions, pieces of advice, the eloquent sermons, the biographies of significant Muslim poets and writers. It was written in the 9th century, in Arabic by great Arab author, Amr Ibn Bahr Jahez Basri.
The author
Abu Othman Amr Ibn Bahr, known as “Jahez” (776 – 869), Basra – Iraq; leading Arab writer, man of letters, theologian and the founder of Jaheiya Sect. He studied literature under ####great scholars of his time: Abu Ubaydeh, Asmaee (740 – 828) and Abu Zayd Ansari. Amr Ibn Jahez compiled many books on theology, Hadith, commentary, history, natural sciences and Arabic literature.
Structure of the book
The eloquent points in the book are divided into four subjects:
1- the way of pronunciation the letters
2- on the correction of the words
3- on brevity and verbosity in sentences
4- the qualifications of preachers
The book was published in 1884 in Constantinople and in 1894 in Cairo.
Farsi encyclopedia
Mo’jam al-Udaba
Islamic world encyclopedia
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